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‘The Front Room’ review: All bile and no substance

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 09:00

Though it is unquestionably a horror movie, A24's The Front Room doesn't feature any blood until late in its second act.

Instead, practically every other bodily fluid appears on screen in copious amounts and numerous hues, with more than one instance evoking actual gagging noises from an entirely grossed-out audience. When regular ol' blood appeared, I’ve never been so happy to see that red liquid flow as a respite from everything else. In fact, The Front Room should come with a warning: Do not grab anything more than popcorn at the concession stand. This is not the movie for loaded nachos. 

SEE ALSO: Brandy's mother-in-law is pure horror in A24's 'The Front Room' trailer

Beyond the juices, those who recognize the last name of twin writer-directors Max and Sam Eggers alongside the imprimatur of the A24 logo may think they're in for a film along the lines of their brother Robert’s The Witch. But they will be disappointed.The Front Room is a wild, nausea-inducing ride that is not so much good as it is effective. The Eggers are capable enough directors, but other than a sickly hue and some fun canted-angle shots, there’s not a lot of style here. Instead, they get to coast on the work of the talented Kathryn Hunter (Poor Things), whose performance and physicality threatens to upstage the whole film.

What is The Front Room about? Credit: A24

The Front Room begins benignly enough. Belinda (Brandy Norwood) is a Black professor married to Norman (Andrew Burnap), a white public defender with a complicated family history unbeknownst to his wife. She is nearing full term with her pregnancy and stressing about money when his estranged, ultra-religious stepmother Solange (Hunter) promises them all her wealth — if they will take her into their home. 

Norman hesitates given the trauma he experienced with Solange and her personal Christian religious practices as a child. Belinda is willing to turn the other cheek and give her mother-in-law a chance, especially with the baby coming. But Solange's moving in serves as a warning for anyone who would try to do anything out of the goodness of their heart — or the desire to pay their mortgage more quickly. It is never worth it.

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For an R-rated horror film, The Front Room is relatively light on physical violence and is far more freighted with its emotional counterpart. It all begins with microaggressions (Solange constantly mispronounces Belinda's name) and the types of insults daughters-in-law often have to shrug off (Solange insults Belinda's cooking). But soon (way too soon), the insults escalate into unquestionable racism and shocking cruelty, and Belinda struggles to endure indignity after indignity from Solange, who seems to want to make their home her own. Belinda exists in white spaces; for most of the running time, she is the only Black person on screen and she lacks an ally, even in her husband, to help defend herself from Solange’s diabolical behavior. 

As the mother-in-law from hell, Kathryn Hunter is devilishly good Credit: A24

The role of Solange is a challenging one, requiring a bonkers level of physicality and an utter lack of vanity. Hunter is a longtime theater actress who caught broader attention with her critically lauded role as the witches in Joel Coen's The Tragedy of Macbeth. However, in The Front Room, she's somehow even more haunting, contorting her body into a hunch, laughing a terrifying cackle, and saying some truly messed-up shit. The aforementioned bodily fluids are disturbing, but her dialogue causes actual distress — especially when it’s said with an impish twinkle. The Front Room barely works, but it owes it all to Hunter who is simply everything as she smirks, snarls, and simpers.

Burnap is fine as the non-entity white husband. Meanwhile, Norwood is good and pretty funny at times in her relatable frustration, she’s not working at the same level as Hunter. (Though who is?) 

The Front Room refuses to go more than skin-deep with its social commentary  Credit: A24

The Eggers' movie hinges on that wonderfully unhinged performance from Hunter, and The Front Room is extremely, admirably gross with a hefty dose of camp. Unfortunately, that’s all there is here. That result would be fine, but the Eggers are aiming higher by their attempts to address more serious themes amidst all the effluvia. Adapted from Susan Hill’s short story, The Front Room deals with race, religion, and gender, but always on a surface level; it never delves too deeply into ideas about any of these topics or offers any cogent thoughts beyond "racism bad" and "Pentecostalism scary."

After watching The Front Room, a lot of viewers are going to have to unpack the shit their in-laws make them go through with their therapists, but something is validating in the idea that your experience probably isn’t going to be as traumatic as what Belinda goes through. Yet the movie itself often feels like a grueling ordeal, as you wonder exactly what shade and type of ooze will show up next or what terrible thing is going to come out of Solange’s mouth — and the answer is always somehow worse than you thought it would be. It’s a good enough bad time, worth it for Hunter's performance alone if you can stomach the rest. 

How to watch: The Front Room hits cinemas Sept. 6.

Tom Bombadil's introduction in 'The Rings of Power' is right out of 'Fellowship of the Ring'

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 09:00

It's official: Tom Bombadil has finally made it to an onscreen adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. And it only took, what, 70 years?

Season 2, episode 4 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power introduces the somewhat polarizing character of Tom (Rory Kinnear), a merry, ancient being who, in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, hosts Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin on the early stages of their quest to destroy the One Ring. Opinions on Tom range from "what a lovely, helpful man" to "why is this guy even in the story again?" The latter may explain why both Peter Jackson and Ralph Bakshi cut Tom from their film adaptations entirely. But will Tom Bombadil have a larger impact on the narrative of The Rings of Power? Based on his introduction, it certainly seems like it.

SEE ALSO: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Season 2 drops a major Shire lore bomb in episode 4

Like the character we meet in the novel, The Rings of Power's Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow who's prone to singing, helping people in need, and telling stories. Of course, this version of Tom is also a tad different from Fellowship of the Ring's, just by virtue to the series taking place in the Second Age of Middle-earth as opposed to the Third Age. The show's Tom lives out in Rhûn, instead of on the edge of the Old Forest near the Shire. He also doesn't appear to live with his wife Goldberry — although we do hear a smidge of her voice (courtesy of Raya Yarbrough) in his house. Finally, and most importantly, he doesn't take in any Hobbits. Instead, he hosts the Stranger (Daniel Weyman), providing him with a preview of the hospitality Frodo and his friends will experience thousands of years in the future.

SEE ALSO: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' cast on the return of Sauron in Season 2

In some cases, though, it's less of a "preview" and more of a carbon copy. That's because many aspects of the Stranger's initial encounter with Tom Bombadil are lifted directly from The Fellowship of the Ring itself.

Take the moment right after the two meet, when the Stranger's map of Rhûn flies off onto a tree branch. When the Stranger tries to take said branch to make a staff, the indignant tree swallows him whole — exactly how Old Man Willow traps Merry and Pippin in his trunk in "The Old Forest" chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring. And, just like in Fellowship, who should come along to save him but Old Tom?

Both the novel and the show's Tom tame the offending tree by repeating the same phrases, word for word: "You should not be waking. Eat earth! Dig deep! Go to sleep!" In both cases, it works like a charm. (Later, we learn that the tree that swallowed the Stranger is named "Old Man Ironrod." A cousin of Old Man Willow, perhaps?)

Rory Kinnear in "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power." Credit: Ben Rothstein / Prime Video

This isn't the first time The Rings of Power has directly quoted a prior version of The Lord of the Rings. Heck, a direct quote from Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring all but confirmed the Stranger was Gandalf in the Season 1 finale. But Tom's exact wording here doesn't feel like a mere callback, or a fan theory-confirming quote. Instead, it establishes a connection between the Tom of the Second Age and the Tom of the Third Age, showing that he has been speaking to and calming trees for millennia. There's a sense of routine here, one only possible thanks to a deep-seeded knowledge of Middle-earth.

As The Rings of Power's Tom tells the Stranger, that knowledge comes from the fact that he is "Eldest" of all things in Middle-earth. "Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn," he tells the Stranger. "He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless."

And wouldn't you know it, these lines also come right from The Fellowship of the Ring! There are a few other lines in Tom's speech in the book, which raises the question: Does Tom have an introductory speech he's rehearsed over the centuries, just so he can perform it to the people passing through his bed and breakfast?

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In all seriousness, these direct quotations appearing in various takes on Lord of the Rings add an interesting depth to Tom Bombadil as a historical figure. His repetition of various lines and actions across time — such as saving both Merry and Pippin and the Stranger from various trees — creates a kind of cyclicality, one that rhymes with the rise of Sauron (Charlies Vickers) in both the Second and Third Age. Both times we've seen Tom, he's helping people who may just save Middle-earth from the spreading darkness, making him the guiding figure for heroes in multiple Ages. That the Stranger is most likely Gandalf makes the connection even more powerful, as the Hobbit-loving wizard is unknowingly going through the same experience that his friends will down the line.

Notably, Tom is also a greater lover of stories and storytelling. So while he might not always participate directly in the grand narrative of Middle-earth — seeming more at ease observing the rise of darkness than stopping it outright — he's still nudging people in the right direction, and likely recognizing the same types of stories as they reappear across time.

But the love for Tom Bombadil in this episode doesn't just stop with his appearance. Instead, we also get the first onscreen adaptation of Middle-earth's nightmarish Barrow-wights, who face off with Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) and Elrond's (Robert Aramayo) Elven company. Tom's not actually in this scene, so what's the connection here?

Well, in The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo and his companions are captured by Barrow-wights not long after leaving Tom's house. Frodo calls upon Tom to save them, and he does — with the power of song! Sure, Galadriel and her crew don't do any singing in their fight against the Barrow-wights, but the fact that we get their introduction in the same episode as Tom Bombadil's is no coincidence.

Like Tom and Old Man Willow, the Barrow-wights were omitted from Jackson and Bakshi's adaptations of The Lord of the Rings. Putting them and Tom (and the Old Man Ironrod scene) in the same episode creates a conversation between the characters, reminding us of their roles in The Fellowship of the Ring, and the fact that they were cut from subsequent film adaptations. Now, these elements of Middle-earth finally get their day in the sun in a Tolkien adaptation. Thanks to their inclusion, The Rings of Power Season 2, episode 4 becomes a nonstop love letter to The Fellowship of the Ring — and a portion of Tolkien's work that has never really been seen onscreen until now.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 is now streaming on Prime Video, with a new episode every Thursday.

What does 'Sûza-t' mean in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Season 2, episode 4?

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 09:00

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power's first season introduced us to the nomadic Hobbit ancestors known as the Harfoots. But in Season 2, episode 4, a new group of Hobbit ancestors join the party — and they're bringing some major Hobbit lore with them.

These new ancestors are the Stoors, and unlike the nomadic Harfoots, they live in a village. Harfoots Nori Brandyfoot (Markella Kavenagh) and Poppy Proudfellow (Megan Richards) meet them after getting separated from the Stranger (Daniel Weyman) in the land of Rhûn.

SEE ALSO: Tom Bombadil's introduction in 'The Rings of Power' is right out of 'Fellowship of the Ring'

Their first moments in the Stoor village get off to a rough start. Not only are Nori and Poppy confused by the very idea of Harfoots living in holes — "It doesn't seem natural," Poppy remarks — but Nori also makes the mistake of talking back to Stoor headwoman Gundabale Earthauler (Tanya Moodie). Luckily, though, it's not long before the Harfoots and Stoors realize they have a lot in common.

The realization comes when Nori mentions Sadoc Burrows (Lenny Henry), the late Harfoot Trailfinder. Gundabale recognizes the name Burrows. Turns out, there's an ancient legend about a Stoor named Burrows, who dreamed of "a place with endless streams of cold water, and rolling hills so soft, a family could dig a hole and live in it in less than a month."

Sadoc's ancestor called this paradise the Sûza-t — a word that will go on to quite literally mean the world for Hobbits.

SEE ALSO: Did you catch this hint at the Stranger's real name in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Season 2? What does Sûza-t mean in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power? Tanya Moodie in "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power." Credit: Ross Ferguson / Prime Video

Sûza-t means "the Shire" in Westron, the Common Speech of Middle-earth during the Third Age. If we're splitting hairs, "Sûza" by itself means "Shire," while the "t" at the end creates the definite form.

If we're splitting more hairs, Westron in the form it takes in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium likely wouldn't be around by this point in The Rings of Power's timeline, as it developed when Númenoreans began trading with the Men of Middle-earth. The interactions between the Númenoreans and Middle-earth Men have only just started in the show, so there's quite a bit of time for Westron to grow. Still, The Rings of Power is operating with its own timeline and its own version of a common language, so we can just assume it's a kind of proto-Westron (or Adûnaic, a precursor to Westron).

Language tangent aside — and I think language nerd Tolkien would excuse any language-related tangent — the appearance of the word Sûza-t in The Rings of Power means that, by the show's canon, a Hobbit ancestor was dreaming of the Shire thousands of years before the Hobbits actually settled it. In fact, Burrows' dream prompted him to lead an expedition out into the world to find the Sûza-t. No one has heard from him, or his mission, since. It's likely, then, that the expedition gradually morphed into the Harfoots' traveling group.

Gundabale wonders whether Nori and Poppy were sent from the Harfoots to lead them to the Sûza-t, to which Nori sadly replies, "We don't have a home."

And it seems like the Stoors' home doesn't have much staying power left. The Dark Wizard (Ciarán Hinds) and his Gaudrim are just a few muscle cars away from turning Rhûn into a Mad Max-style wasteland. And while the land may once have been green, as Tom Bombadil (Rory Kinnear) tells the Stranger this episode, it's only grown more inhospitable and dry — perhaps not just because of time, but also because of the rising darkness in Middle-earth. How long until the Stoors are forced to leave their home and strike out for greener pastures? Will they be joining up with the Harfoots in future seasons of The Rings of Power?

And maybe most pressingly: Will The Rings of Power show us the Hobbits settling the Shire? In Tolkien's work, this doesn't happen until later in the Third Age, and there's quite a bit of Hobbit history between Nori's storyline and now. However, since The Rings of Power is seriously condensing Tolkien's timeline, I wouldn't rule it out.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 is now streaming on Prime Video, with a new episode every Thursday.

One of our favorite brands just revealed a new robot vacuum and stick vac

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 08:11

On Thursday, Sept. 5, Shark Ninja officially revealed two new vacuums in its PowerDetect line: the PowerDetect 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop with NeverTouch Pro base and the Clean & Empty cordless vacuum. The robot vacuum will retail for $999.99, while the cordless stick vacuum will retail for $499.99.

Both vacuums are available to order now at Shark's online store, and will be available at retailers including Amazon, Best Buy, and Walmart soon.

Opens in a new window Credit: SharkNinja Shark Cordless PowerDetect Clean & Empty System $499.99 at SharkNinja
Shop Now Opens in a new window Credit: SharkNinja Shark PowerDetect 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop with NeverTouch Pro Base $999.99 at SharkNinja
Shop Now

With these new launches, Shark is targeting the premium end of the vacuum marketplace, where certain bells and whistles have become standard. In the robovac world, the best hybrid robot vacuums and mops (or, at least, the most expensive ones) now feature a cleaning dock that combines self-emptying with self-washing and drying of the mopping pads. And for their premium cordless stick vacs, more brands are introducing docking stations that automatically empty the dustbin.

Both of these new vacuums bring Shark up to date with the competition in these respects, but with a lower price of entry.

Meet the new Shark hybrid robot vacuum and mop. Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable

Mashable got the chance to preview both vacuums at a recent press event, and our resident robot vacuum expert Leah Stodart is in the process of testing. Ahead of a full review, we've got photos, first impressions, and a few other tidbits to share.

Shark now offers a self-washing 2-in-1

A premium hybrid robot vacuum with self-cleaning features can run you up to $1,500, which is bordering on absurd for a vacuum. For consumers who are skeptical of paying $200 more for self-emptying, all these extra features can feel more gimmicky than boundary-pushing.

And despite lacking these features, Shark's simpler (and older) Matrix 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop has been a Mashable favorite for years, precisely because of its no-nonsense approach. However, with a retail price of $999.99, the new PowerDetect NeverTouch Pro 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop will cost considerably less than similar offerings from iRobot, Roborock, Ecovacs, and Narwhal.

Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable

Shark previously released an upright PowerDetect vacuum, and with these new launches, Shark says PowerDetect and Matrix will be its core vacuum lines moving forward.

The new robot vacuum's best feature

The premium hybrid robovac space is definitely getting crowded, and Julian Levesque, Shark Ninja's senior vice president of product development, told Mashable that with this launch the company is focused on expanding its global footprint. He specifically pointed to markets like France and Germany.

"To me, the coolest part is how the robot lifts up when it goes over a carpet," Levesque told Mashable. "There are others in the space that have various solutions for that, but we lift up the highest.”

When I saw this vacuum at work, it noticeably lifted its mopping pads when approaching carpet. This is a standard feature in premium hybrids, but the vac seemed to lift higher than normal. It was satisfying to watch the vacuum lift its little butt off the carpet, and you can see this lift-up in our pictures from the demo.

Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable Shark now offers a cordless stick vacuum with self-emptying

More brands are bringing self-emptying to cordless stick vacuums. These docks typically use a bag system and HEPA filter to ensure that users never have to deal with allergens and dust. The dock sucks out all the debris when the cleaning is done.

The downside of these stations? You can't shove the vacuum in a closet. For that reason, it's hard to compete with Samsung's Bespoke Jet, which features a modern and attractive emptying station you wouldn't mind putting on display.

SEE ALSO: LG's All-in-One cordless stick vacuum makes cleaning less of a drag, then empties itself

But once again, Shark's version of this technology will cost consumers considerably less. Compare the $499.99 price tag of the PowerDetect Clean & Empty Cordless Vacuum to the $999.99 price tag of the new Samsung Bespoke Jet AI stick vacuum. (Pro tip: Go with the previous-gen Bespoke Jet, which has 99 percent of the features and only costs $549 on sale.)

In a demo, the new PowerDetect vacuum easily sucked up hair. Credit: Shark Ninja

And it goes without saying that Shark's premium vacuum is much cheaper than Dyson's premium vacuum offerings.

This is becoming a trend for Shark: offering lower-priced but still impressive alternatives to premium products like the Dyson Supersonic.

An impressive stick vacuum, less impressive design

So far, no vacuum brand has been able to match the visual appeal of the Samsung Bespoke Jet vacuums. And while Dyson's designs can be a bit clunky, the brand's vacuums have also become something of a status symbol.

To be honest, I just don't love the aesthetics of the Shark Clean & Empty vacuum. At least, not enough to give it permanent real estate in my home.

Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable

However, in terms of cleaning abilities, it seems impressive so far. The stick vac bends in the middle to reach below furniture. It also detects floor type to increase/decrease suction, while also sensing edges to get hard-to-reach debris. It seemed to pick up hair really effectively, but we're still in the process of testing for ourselves.

We'll withhold judgment on the robot vacuum until we've tested it.

For now, you can head to Shark to order these new vacuums, which are available now.

AstroBot review: The most 'Super Mario Galaxy' game that isn’t actually 'Super Mario Galaxy'

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 08:00

You mean to tell me PlayStation could’ve been making games like this the entire time instead of 9,000 photorealistic sad dad simulators?

Astro Bot, which is the third platformer starring Sony’s new unofficial robot mascot — but somehow the first one to be a regular full-priced non-VR game — is a breath of fresh air compared to most of the last decade of PlayStation. It’s not a competent prestige TV knock-off like God of War, or misanthropic edgelord misery like The Last of Us, or a bloated open-world mess like Horizon

Rather, this is a colorful, whimsical, mechanically tight, and overall delightful 3D platformer that’s also packed full of references to PlayStation history. While Astro Bot’s reverence for the PlayStation brand occasionally feels forced, and probably can’t sustain itself beyond this game, it’s such a goddamn thrill for the 10 or so hours it takes to finish that I think it’s a must-play for any PS5 owner.

Astro Bot premise What's up, Ratchet? You good? Credit: PlayStation

Astro Bot, from the developers at Team Asobi, isn’t really a game about plot. A PS5-shaped mothership full of little robots encounters some trouble in outer space — and it’s up to one heroic Astro Bot to rebuild the mothership and save all the bots.

While narrative isn’t really something that moves the needle in Astro Bot, it does feed into the game’s main aesthetic gimmick: constant references to PlayStation. Many of the hundreds of stranded bots you need to collect throughout the game’s levels to progress through the game are dressed like classic PlayStation characters, which is carried on from a similar idea in Astro’s Playroom.

When you collect a referential bot, they go back to your hub world and hang out doing little animations related to whatever game they’re from. It’s cute! I got a big kick out of seeing Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza and Teddie from Persona 4 in there. 

However, turning references into necessary collectibles for progress does drive home the point that this is the point of Astro Bot. While it’s a great 3D platformer with beautiful visuals and catchy tunes (as we’ll get to in a bit), Astro Bot is a game about basking in all things PlayStation. And at times, it can feel like an incomplete or flawed history of the brand.

For instance, there are a few allusions to things that I either don’t associate with PlayStation at all or are maybe best left in the dustbin of history. There is also at least one major franchise that I extremely associate with PlayStation that isn't represented at all, for what have to be boring rights reasons.

It’s not the norm, thankfully, but a small handful of the references also feel like they were mandated by Sony corporate. I know Detroit: Become Human was a PlayStation exclusive, but we can pretend like it wasn’t. It’ll be fine. 

Astro Bot’s referential nature, despite its occasional missed swings and inconsistencies, is a positive overall. 2024 is the 30th anniversary of the launch of the PlayStation, and if Sony itself as a broader corporate entity isn’t going to do a very good job of celebrating such a historic legacy, I’m glad this game is doing it, at least.

Astro Bot mechanics The dog backpack rules. Credit: PlayStation

If you played Astro’s Playroom (and anyone who owns a PS5 should because it’s free), you know the deal here. Astro Bot is a mechanically simple and straightforward 3D platformer with remarkably tight movement and a generally punchy, chipper feel to its mechanics. You can run, jump, do a little hover move in mid-air, punch enemies, and that’s about it. What more do you need?

Well, there is a little more. Many levels revolve around a series of wearable gadgets that give Astro unique abilities. One of them causes him to absorb bodies of water and become huge, while another gives him a pair of springy, extending boxing gloves. These are a good deal more fun than the vehicles that sucked up so much of Astro’s Playroom runtime, and while a couple of them are motion-controlled, you can thankfully turn that stuff off.

The basic mechanics of Astro Bot are lifted so thoroughly from Playroom that the overall design structure stood out to me more than the moment-to-moment action. This is the most Super Mario Galaxy-ass game that isn’t actually Super Mario Galaxy. Aside from the fact that the levels are literally spread across little solar systems, it also permeates how the levels are designed.

More like God of Snore. Just kidding, those games are fine. Credit: PlayStation

Most of Astro Bot is spent moving linearly from one little floating platformer island to another. Each one will have some tiny challenge to complete — and then you’ll move onto the next, having fun along the way. All of it is paced so tightly, it's remarkable. Astro Bot leaves almost no room for boredom at any point in the process. Astro Bot is a constant firehose of pleasant brain chemicals.

Special mention needs to go to a handful of bigger levels that are themed to specific PlayStation games, giving Astro special costumes and unique abilities sourced from said games. There are distressingly few of these, and too many of them pull from the PS4 era, but one of them made me smile so much that I’m willing to forgive that transgression. 

It almost feels reductive to say “Well, they made a longer version of the great pack-in game, so it’s automatically great.” But that’s pretty much what happened! That said, I’m very glad Astro Bot is as brief as it is. Getting 100 percent completion can be achieved in a weekend, which is hugely refreshing compared to the endless array of live-service forever games and 100-hour RPGs that have flooded the market in 2024. 

Astro Bot graphics You gotta have a casino level in your platformer. Credit: PlayStation

Team Asobi’s penchant for colorful whimsy shines through in Astro Bot, which is one of the prettiest games on PS5. It’s got a relatively simple art style that pulls from a lot of inspirations; some levels straight up look like Mario, while the robotic animals that you fight harken back to classic Sonic. But, at least to me, it never feels like a rip-off. I think this game was just made by people with good taste.

Astro Bot is visually resplendent, but also fully readable, unlike so many modern games that sacrifice legibility for visual density. It’s exactly what a modern 3D platformer should look like.

Astro Bot music and audio

Astro Bot’s music was composed by Kenneth C.M. Young, who did the previous Astro games for Team Asobi, too. Put simply, each tune is eminently hummable and nearly perfect for whatever scenario it was written for. I especially appreciate the constant use of vocoders to produce robotic-sounding vocals. 

The aforementioned themed levels also have fun remixes of songs from the games the levels are based on. Sorry for spoiling one of them (skip to the next section if you really don’t wanna know), but it turns out I’m the exact kind of person who would mark out at a dance remix of the Uncharted 2 title screen music.

Astro Bot difficulty

This isn’t one of those overly masochistic platformers by any means, but Astro Bot’s level of challenge is fair. Astro dies in one hit (except for in the excellent boss fights, where you can take three hits), so careful play is not only rewarded, but necessary.

There are times when enemy numbers can be a little overwhelming and deaths can feel slightly unfair, but checkpoints are frequent and load times are instant, so who cares?

I will say Astro Bot becomes an appreciably and enjoyably more difficult game if you try to 100 percent it. I recommend doing so if you want the full experience.

Astro Bot performance

I did not think the technical performance of Astro Bot would be a source of disappointment, but here we are.

While the game looks amazing visually and runs at a solid 60 frames per second (as far as I can tell without an on-screen frame counter), it’s got this constant, every-few-seconds stutter that I noticed right away. It lasted throughout my entire time with the game, and I was playing on the latest patch. I was able to quickly get used to it and enjoy the game regardless, but it can be seriously distracting if you think about it too much.

I assume this is something that can and will be patched out of the game, but for now, Astro Bot’s gotta lose some points. 

Is Astro Bot worth getting? Sucks for that guy. Credit: PlayStation

Hell yeah, Astro Bot is worth getting! 

While I assume some folks will not feel great about spending $60 for a game you can wipe out in a few days, the experience itself is more than worth it. Team Asobi has made what might be the most purely fun PS5 exclusive yet — and it’s easily one of the best games on that saddeningly short list. 

Its referential nature works overall, even with some slight misgivings. I don’t think Asobi can keep that aspect of these games up if Sony commissions more Astro platformers, but for one game, it’s cool. Between that, its gorgeous visuals, catchy music, and excellent platforming mechanics, Astro Bot is one of the best games on the PS5.

Opens in a new window Credit: PlayStation Astro Bot $59.99 at Amazon
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How to watch Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League online for free

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 07:33

TL;DR: Live stream Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League for free on ITVX. Access this free streaming site from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Things didn't really go to plan for Scotland at Euro 2024, but Poland weren't exactly great either. Both sides will be looking to improve in the UEFA Nations League, and a positive result in the first round of fixtures would help to create some positive momentum.

If you want to watch Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Scotland vs. Poland?

Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League kicks off at 7:45 p.m. BST on Sept. 5. This fixture takes place at Hampden Park.

How to watch Scotland vs. Poland for free

Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League is available to live stream for free on ITVX.

ITVX is geo-restricted to the UK, but anyone from around the world can stream for free with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in the UK, meaning you can access free live streams on ITVX from anywhere in the world.

Access a free live stream of Scotland vs. Poland by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in the UK

  4. Visit ITVX

  5. Stream Scotland vs. Poland for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League without actually spending anything. This clearly isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream select UEFA Nations League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for ITVX?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport on ITVX, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including the UK

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream Scotland vs. Poland in the UEFA Nations League for free with ExpressVPN.

YouTube extends limits to body weight and fitness videos for teens in Europe and UK

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 07:21

In an effort to curb teens from watching potentially harmful videos on YouTube, the streaming platform announced Thursday it will expand its limitation of repeated recommendations of videos that idealise specific body weights, types, and fitness levels for teenagers in Europe and the UK.

It's an extension of the same move by YouTube in 2023 for U.S. teens, with the company's latest blog post using identical language as its first announcement, just extending the geographical reach.

As it has done for U.S. teens, YouTube said it will limit repeated recommendations of videos in particular categories including "content that compares physical features and idealizes some types over others, idealizes specific fitness levels or body weights, or displays social aggression in the form of non-contact fights and intimidation."

YouTube has identified these content categories as the type "that may be innocuous as a single video, but could be problematic for some teens if viewed repetitively."

SEE ALSO: Young people feel conflicted about the internet and their well-being

The post was written by Dr. Garth Graham, director and head of YouTube Health and James Beser, director of product management, YouTube Youth. The recommendations came from YouTube's youth and families advisory committee, a group formed in 2018, made up of independent experts in children's media, digital learning, and development. Their role is to advise on issues like online content and its impact on teens, who remain heavy social media users, especially on YouTube.

"One insight [of the advisory committee] is that teens are more likely than adults to form negative beliefs about themselves when seeing repeated messages about ideal standards in content they consume online," Graham and Beser wrote.

A 2019 survey by the UK's Mental Health Foundation found that 37 percent of teens felt "upset" and 31 percent felt "ashamed" about their body image. The report also said four in 10 teenagers said images on social media had caused them to worry about body image. A 2022 report by the UK Parliament's Health and Social Care Committee also unpacked the many avenues that contribute to body image issues, including online spaces. "The advent of social media and rise in online advertising have both increased exposure to certain idealised body types," the report found.

SEE ALSO: What parents of tweens and teens need to know about BookTok

YouTube will add these limitations for recommended videos on top of its existing means of restricting certain content from teen viewers per YouTube's Community Guidelines, including videos sharing personal testimonials about eating disorders. A study by UK eating disorder charity Beat found that 91 percent of people who had experienced eating disorders had encountered "content which was harmful in the context of their eating disorder," adding, "People with lived experience of eating disorders described being 'bombarded' with triggering content, imagery and advertisements which could 'fuel' eating disorder thoughts and behaviours."

"A higher frequency of content that idealizes unhealthy standards or behaviors can emphasize potentially problematic messages— and those messages can impact how some teens see themselves," Clinician, researcher, and YouTube advisory committee member Allison Briscoe-Smith said in a statement. "Guardrails can help teens maintain healthy patterns as they naturally compare themselves to others and size up how they want to show up in the world."

Though it's not specified by YouTube as being in compliance, the company's extended guardrails are being announced not long after the implementation of Europe's Digital Services Act and the UK's Online Safety Act that requires tech and social media companies protect users' safety on their platforms and prevent children from accessing harmful and age-inappropriate content.

For more on teens' and children's safety online, Mashable has you covered.

If you feel like you’d like to talk to someone about your eating behavior, text "NEDA" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to be connected with a trained volunteer or visit the National Eating Disorder Association website for more information.

Tesla's FSD might finally come to Europe and China in early 2025

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 07:04

Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) package might finally be making its way to Europe and China, but there's a big hurdle Tesla needs to overcome first.

On Thursday, Tesla's official AI account on X tweeted a roadmap for the company's AI team, mostly consisting on various autonomous driving features for Tesla cars.

One part of the roadmap stands out: Tesla plans to launch FSD in both Europe and China in the first quarter of 2025. FSD originally launched as limited beta in the U.S. in October 2020, and has been gradually expanded to more users in the country since (though some of its features are still labeled as beta software).

Tweet may have been deleted

There's a big caveat, though: For this to happen, regulators in the EU and China must approve FSD, which is a big if given that FSD has been under regulatory scrutiny due to a variety of safety issues. Right now, Tesla customers in Europe are free to purchase both the Enhanced Autopilot and FSD sets of semi-autonomous driving features, but they're severely limited compared to what's offered in the U.S.

As is customary, Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented on the post, adding that RHD (right-hand driving) markets should "hopefully" get FSD in late Q1 or early Q2, pending regulatory approval.

SEE ALSO: Hyundai's new Ioniq 5 has bigger battery, native Tesla Supercharging

The roadmap presented by Tesla's AI team has a few other interesting details about what's coming. The next version of Tesla FSD (v12.5.2), due in September will have "3x improved miles between necessary interventions," and will come with features such as Actual Smart Summon (a new version of Tesla's Summon feature which brings the car from its parking spot to you), automatic parking and FSD for Cybertruck, eye-tracking with sunglasses, and end-to-end network on highway.

In October 2024, FSD v13 should be out, with six times as many miles between necessary interventions, and unparking, parking, and driving in reverse in FSD.

How to watch Pegula vs. Muchova in the 2024 US Open online for free

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:49

TL;DR: Live stream Pegula vs. Muchova in the 2024 US Open semi final for free on 9Now or TVNZ+. Access these free streaming platforms from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The final of the US Open is so close, yet so far. The remaining players are only one game away from a chance at winning this famous tournament, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done to get to that point.

Pegula and Muchova will leave everything on the court in a bid to reach the final. If you want to watch Pegula vs. Muchova the 2024 US Open semi final for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

How to watch Pegula vs. Muchova in the 2024 US Open for free

Fans can live stream the 2024 US Open for free on these platforms:

These streaming services are geo-blocked, but anyone from around the world can access these sites with a VPN. These handy tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to secure servers in other countries, meaning you can unblock 9Now and TVNZ+ from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the 2024 US Open by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Australia or New Zealand

  4. Visit 9Now or TVNZ+

  5. Watch Pegula vs. Muchova in the 2024 US Open for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but leading VPNs do tend to offer deals such as free-trial periods or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can access free live streams of Pegula vs. Muchova without actually spending anything. This clearly isn't a long-term solution, but it gives you enough time to watch every US Open match before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the US Open?

ExpressVPN is the best service for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream the US Open for free, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Australia and New Zealand

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is always secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Pegula vs. Muchova in the 2024 US Open for free from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Most adult creators use AI in their work, new data says

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:17

Adult industries are often the first to embrace new technology, from VR porn to cyber brothels. According to preliminary data from industry research firm SWR Data, nearly two-thirds — 62 percent — of adult content creators now use artificial intelligence tools to expand or run their business.

Most creators who use it, 80 percent, do so for content or shooting inspiration, in a survey of over 400 working adult content creators conducted in July and August. Twenty-eight percent have used AI to generate content, while 18 percent have used it to chat with their fans. Only eight percent, however, have used AI to create "digital twins" or other interactive AI versions of themselves.

SEE ALSO: Top 5 digital security tips from sex workers

Nearly the same amount of adult creators see AI as a positive or negative, 36 and 37 percent respectively. Those who use it unsurprisingly are more likely to feel positively about AI.

Co-founder of SWR Data, MelRose Michaels, said in a press release that the data counters a lot of the narrative around AI and adult creators.

"There's so much money being invested in adult AI right now, and platforms would do better to understand that creators are more interested in an extra set of hands than they are a sixth finger," Michaels continued, referring to the classic tell of when something is AI generated by checking for deformed hands. "We're seeing some really compelling data as to who is using AI and how they're using it."

This data is part of a larger "State of the Creator" study on adult content creators that will be released this fall.

Stephen Colbert gleefully mocks Trump's podcast appearance, clip by clip

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:07
Stephen Colbert has broken down Trump's recent appearance on Lex Fridman's podcast.

Stock up on 1000s of free e-books on Stuff Your Kindle Day

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:49

Stuff Your Kindle Day: On Sept. 5, readers can download thousands of romance titles as part of Stuff Your Kindle Day.

The best Kindle deals on Stuff Your Kindle Day Best Kindle Deal Kindle (16GB) + 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited $99.99 at Amazon (Save $35.97) Get Deal Best Kindle Unlimited Deal 12 months of Kindle Unlimited $119.90 at Amazon ($23.98) Get Deal

Stuff Your Kindle Day is one of those events that has you reading the small print, because you've become ground down by life and believe that nothing in life truly comes free. Except it does, because this special day provides access to literally thousands of free books. We know you're waiting for the catch, but in this case, there really isn't one. It's as good as it sounds.

Stuff Your Kindle Day is a 24-hour author-organized event that drops the price of thousands of romance e-books to absolutely nothing. And better yet, the books that you choose to download are yours to keep.

SEE ALSO: The Kindle Paperwhite made me enjoy reading books again

Looking to make the most of Stuff Your Kindle Day? Fear not, bookworms. We have read ahead and lined up everything you need to know about this generous event.

When is Stuff Your Kindle Day?

Stuff Your Kindle Day takes place four times a year. In 2023, Stuff Your Kindle Day took place on March 31, June 30, Sept. 20, and Dec. 27.

In 2024, the first Stuff Your Kindle Day takes place on Sept. 5. The best way to find out about dates ahead of time is to join the free reader alert email service.

Who can take part in Stuff Your Kindle Day?

Another great thing about Stuff Your Kindle Day is that anyone can take part. Yes, even you.

We know that "Kindle" is in the name, but you don't even need to own a Kindle to get involved in all the fun. Kindle, Kobo, and Nook readers can download these free e-books. And you can even download these books on your preferred app and read them straight from your phone, as you can also find these free titles on the Google Play and Apple Books apps.

Which e-books are free?

Amazon has helpfully created a Stuff Your Kindle Day landing page so participants can find exactly what they're looking for without wasting important reading time. Here Amazon has listed some standout titles and organized everything by genre. We appreciate the effort Amazon, but since this is an author-led event, it's important to recognize that there are alternative ways to find something right for you.

We suggest checking out the official list of Stuff Your Kindle Day books on the Romance Bookworms blog. Titles are sorted by retailer and sub-genres of romance, so you can really pinpoint the perfect books to keep you entertained through the dark days ahead.

Is Stuff Your Kindle Day the same as Amazon Kindle Unlimited?

Everything you pick up on Stuff Your Kindle Day is yours to keep, with no limit on the number of books you can download. That's great news, but what does that mean if you already have an Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription?

Kindle Unlimited subscribers can still participate in Stuff Your Kindle Day as it isn't an official Amazon event. And crucially, Stuff Your Kindle Day downloads won't count towards the 20 books per month that subscribers can borrow.

How much would it really cost to watch every NFL game on TV?

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:30

The NFL kicks off its 2024 season on Thursday, and if there's one thing the league can count on, it's that millions of Americans will be tuning in.

The NFL is the single most popular TV product in America. And it's not even remotely close. To wit: Of the 100 most-watched TV broadcasts in 2023, 93 were NFL games. In fact, the entire Top 20 consisted of NFL broadcasts, with only the State of the Union address keeping the NFL from sweeping the Top 50. When the NFL is on, millions of Americans watch — it's as certain as death and taxes.

Both the NFL and its broadcast partners are well aware of this. And if you're a fan, you've likely felt it in your wallet. With the rise of streaming, the NFL has spread its broadcast rights across multiple platforms. Here's the list of channels, networks, and streaming services that have exclusive rights to NFL games in 2024:

  • CBS

  • FOX

  • NBC

  • ABC

  • Peacock

  • NFL Network

  • Amazon Prime

  • ESPN

  • ESPN+

  • Netflix

  • YouTube TV

That's nearly an NFL property for every major broadcaster — Apple narrowly missed out, and while HBO has Hard Knocks, it doesn't air any games.

To be clear, most fans don’t watch every NFL game. They’ll tune in for their favorite team, the primetime matchups, and the occasional random games. But what if someone wanted to watch every single NFL game? Or, more realistically, what if most fans at least wanted the option to watch any game they choose? The cost is staggering.

By my calculations, it would run you at least $891.36. That's a hefty price to pay for watching football from your couch, but plenty of Americans will gladly pay it.

SEE ALSO: How to watch the NFL online for free What channels are different NFL games on?

Let’s take a step back and break down which games air on which broadcaster. The NFL has cleverly sliced and diced its broadcast rights to maximize profits. New players like Netflix or Prime are willing to shell out billions to get a piece of the NFL pie, while the league’s longstanding partners aren’t likely to complain — after all, the NFL holds all the leverage.

Here’s how the NFL’s broadcast rights are divided among various broadcasters for the 2024-25 season. And just to be clear, we’re not including preseason games here because, well, those don’t really count.


CBS and, in turn, Paramount+ is the home of the AFC. On any given NFL Sunday you'll get either a local team's game, a national game, or some combination of both in the 1 p.m. ET and 4 p.m. window. The AFC playoff and championship games will also be on CBS.


FOX is essentially CBS but for the NFC. This is common knowledge for NFL fans and has been engraved in their heads for years.


The marquee Sunday Night Football match-ups air on NBC, which has become a prime destination for the NFL's biggest games each week. NBC will also broadcast the season opener this Thursday and one of the Thanksgiving Day games — but it’s worth noting that these aren’t technically part of the Thursday Night Football package.


NBC's streaming service, Peacock, will also feature an exclusive game this year: Friday's matchup between the Philadelphia Eagles and Green Bay Packers, which will be played in Brazil.

NFL Network

Four separate international games will air on NFL Network, as will a number of yet-to-be-decided Saturday games later in the season.

Amazon Prime

Prime will broadcast Thursday Night Football in Weeks 2-17 and exclusively stream a playoff game.


ESPN holds the rights to Monday Night Football. Some games also air on ABC, and some weeks, there are double headers with one game airing on each channel.


This year, ESPN's premium streaming service will also have its own exclusive game. The Week 7 match-up between the Los Angeles Chargers and Arizona Cardinals will be available only on ESPN+.


Netflix has NFL games this season, too. It'll exclusively air two games on Christmas.

YouTube TV

YouTube TV has the rights to NFL Sunday Ticket, which is the primary way to get access to out-of-market, non-primetime games.

How much does all that cost?

Roughly speaking, the total comes to $891.36. To arrive at that figure, I had to make a few assumptions. I started from scratch, assuming our hypothetical NFL fan didn’t have a cable package, any existing streaming subscriptions, or shared accounts — no mooching off someone else's Netflix. I also only accounted for the cost from the NFL regular season kickoff in September through the Super Bowl in February.

Given those assumptions, the most cost-effective option to access most NFL games is YouTube TV. The key reason is that YouTube TV holds the exclusive rights to NFL Sunday Ticket, which gives you access to most non-primetime games that aren't broadcasted on your local FOX or CBS affiliate. So, it's a must-have for serious fans. YouTube TV offers a Sunday Ticket deal that costs four payments of $158.99 ($94.75 for the NFL Sunday Ticket and $64.24 for the YouTube TV base plan) for the first four months, then $72.99 per month for the YouTube TV subscription going forward.

Assuming you sign up at the optimal time in September, your total would add up to $781.94 to get you through the Super Bowl. The good news is that YouTube TV, along with having exclusive access to Sunday Ticket, includes most of the channels you'll need for NFL coverage — CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, ESPN, and the NFL Network are all part of the base package.

Credit: Ian Moore / Mashable

That leaves you needing Amazon Prime, Netflix, Peacock, and ESPN+. Estimating the exact cost for these services is tricky because a user could, in theory, take advantage of free trials. However, they might forget to cancel them. For simplicity's sake, I assumed our fan paid for a month’s subscription for each service during the months the platform had at least one NFL game. I also assumed they were canceled as soon as the games ended. Based on this, you’d need five months of Prime ($74.95), one month of Netflix ($15.49), one month of Peacock ($7.99), and one month of ESPN+ ($10.99).

Adding these to YouTube TV's Sunday Ticket costs brings the total to $891.36. Including playoffs, there is a combined total of 285 games in an NFL season. That means each game costs about $3.13, though, of course, you can't purchase the broadcast for single games.

The cost breakdown of being a diehard NFL fan. Credit: Screenshot: Mashable / Google Sheets

Of course, your actual cost could be higher or lower. Few people lack any of these services entirely, and many might have access to a shared password or two. But if you're already a cable subscriber — perhaps because of a bundle that includes internet — you could pay even more since you'd still need Sunday Ticket via YouTube. But, to be clear, there are far more reasonable options than shelling out nearly a grand to watch the NFL on TV. A service like Sling Orange, for instance, could get you ESPN and your local CBS/FOX affiliate stations for $40 per month. You could also sign up for Sling Blue, which comes with NFL Network and then you can upgrade to pay $51 per month to also include RedZone.

But still, being an absolutely diehard NFL fan doesn't come cheap. $891.36 is a hefty chunk of change to watch every game, but when you consider that the average ticket to see a game live in 2023 was around $370, maybe watching from home isn't such a bad deal after all.

Webb telescope has answers for an actual question mark in space

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

Did the cosmos just hand us a meme that encapsulates our feelings about the universe and our place within it? 

At times it seems as though astronomers will forever find enigmas about space without ever providing satisfying answers. But in this case, the James Webb Space Telescope has found a riddle in the sky, and scientists can actually give us an explanation for it. Webb, an infrared telescope built by NASA and its European and Canadian counterparts, captured this image of galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154. It looks like a literal question mark. 

That's because massive celestial objects are warping the fabric of spacetime and distorting galaxies in the background, playing tricks like a funhouse mirror. The effect is caused by a quirk of nature known as gravitational lensing, a phenomenon predicted in Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. 

"These galaxies, seen billions of years ago when star formation was at its peak, are similar to the mass that the Milky Way galaxy would have been at that time," said Marcin Sawicki, an astronomer at Saint Mary’s University in Nova Scotia, in a statement. "Webb is allowing us to study what the teenage years of our own galaxy would have been like."

SEE ALSO: Scientists haven't found a rocky exoplanet with air. But now they have a plan. The question mark is actually five copies of the galaxy pair, four of which make the top of the question mark. The dot below them is an unrelated galaxy that just happens to be in the right place from Webb's perspective. Credit: NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI / Vicente Estrada-Carpenter

The image shows two distant interacting galaxies: one a face-on spiral; the other dusty red in side view. They appear multiple times, with the dusty red galaxy forming the arc of the question-mark shape. 

To explain how gravitational lensing works, astronomers start with the analogy of a bowling ball placed on a foam mattress or trampoline. This depicts how the fabric of spacetime bends around massive celestial objects. Light that would otherwise travel straight gets distorted as it passes through the warped spacetime.

In this case, the galaxy cluster is acting like a colossal magnifying glass. The perk of that extra prescription strength is its ability to extend the view of Webb to see even earlier galaxies.

Astronomers are now familiar with spotting the telltale signs of gravitational lensing, but that wasn't always the case. In 1987, an enormous blue arc thought to be hundreds of trillions of miles long was at first considered one of the largest objects ever detected in space. The arc was found near the galaxy cluster Abell 370, with another similar object near galaxy cluster 2242-02. 

Later that year, scientists at Stanford University and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona sorted out that these objects were, in fact, optical illusions, distorted by Abell 370. The New York Times published a story about the "bizarre" implication of Einstein's theory, titled "Vast Cosmic Object Downgraded to a Mirage."

"Webb is allowing us to study what the teenage years of our own galaxy would have been like."

The lensing in this new Webb image allows scientists to pinpoint star formation, using infrared data from the observatory, coupled with ultraviolet data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble has previously observed this region, but murky cosmic dust prevented it from detecting the dusty red galaxy. 

With Webb, the galaxy's longer wavelengths of light were picked up. The team's findings, a sort of case study for Webb's ability to detect star formation within a galaxy billions of light-years away, is published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The Hubble Space Telescope viewed this region of space, left, but the dusty red galaxy forming the question mark is more prominent in the James Webb Space Telescope's view, right. Credit: NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI / Vicente Estrada-Carpenter

The question mark is actually five copies of the galaxy pair, four of which make the top of the question mark. The dot below them is an unrelated galaxy that just happens to be in the right place from Webb's vantage point. 

Neither of the interacting galaxies' shapes appears too disrupted, an indicator that the duo is just beginning to interact. Studying such distant regions could yield fresh insights for scientists, astronomer Vicente Estrada-Carpenter said.

"Knowing when, where, and how star formation occurs within galaxies is crucial to understanding how galaxies have evolved over the history of the universe," he said in a statement.

The best 30th birthday gift ideas

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

There's no birthday quite like the big 3-0. You're entering a different phase of adulthood, you're solidifying your sense of self, you're developing new and exciting forms of back pain… it's a big deal. So when a loved one is celebrating this momentous occasion, getting them the right gift is essential. Make sure it's something that says, "You're both youthful and mature." 

This is an excellent birthday for "upgrade" gifts, or the fancy version of something they already love. If they've gotten really into wine, for example, luxurious new glassware may be in order. Or if they love to read on vacation but struggle to fit multiple books in their carry-on, consider gifting them a lightweight Kindle Paperwhite.

On the other hand, a 30th birthday can also be a good moment to gift something fun and novel. Turning 30 can feel like a lot of pressure, but it's not like people in their thirties are banned from enjoying themselves. (Just look at Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30!) If your soon-to-be 30-year-old is stressing too much about entering a new decade of their life, maybe just get them a Tamagotchi or something. They are, after all, still incredibly young.

Here are our picks for the best 30th birthday gifts.

Apple AirPods Pro (2nd gen) Credit: Stan Schroeder/Mashable

For the Apple Stan: With active noise cancellation, great battery life, and a famously comfortable fit, the second edition of the AirPods Pro make an excellent gift for anyone who just can't play the wired earbuds game anymore — no matter how cool it looks.

Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Generation Earbuds With AppleCare+ $216.99 at Amazon
$278.00 Save $61.01 Shop Now

Shark FlexStyle

Credit: Shark

For the Revlon One-Step Devotee: Is their Revlon One-Step basically attached to their arm at this point? Gift them an upgrade. If you're not prepared to splurge on a Dyson Airwrap, the Shark FlexStyle is just as magical. Reporter Bethany Allard named this high-tech hair tool the best Airwrap alternative because of its value, quality results, and the fact that it preserves hair health more effectively than traditional heat tools.

Shark FlexStyle Air Styling & Drying System $219.99 with code FLEX at Shark
Shop Now

Canopy Humidifier

Credit: Canopy

For the Design-Minded: We're not sure a humidifier can be elegant, per se, but Canopy's definitely comes the closest. (In our opinion, this pushes it into "giftable" territory.) It's also dishwasher-safe — and if you've ever cleaned a humidifier by hand before, you know how major that is.

Opens in a new window Credit: Canopy Canopy Humidifier $150 at Amazon Shop Now

Hallmark Refillable Address Book

Credit: Hallmark

For the busy bee: This classic, understated address book also includes sections for important dates, space for passwords (though we don't necessarily recommend keeping those here), and even extra pages if they run out of space. Plus, its pretty gold details will class up their utilitarian standing desk.

Opens in a new window Credit: Hallmark Hallmark Refillable Address Book $24.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Petitfee Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eye Patches

Credit: Petitfee Gold & Snail

For the Skincare Expert: If you want to give skincare as a gift, opt for something a little novel. Why? 30-year-olds have probably got their core routine already locked in. These gold hydrogel patches fit the bill — they're fun, bright, and look cute in photos.

Opens in a new window Credit: Petitfee Gold & Snail Petitfee Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eye Patches $9.85 at Amazon Shop Now

Le Creuset Stoneware Tea Bag Holder

Credit: Le Creuset

For the Frugal Friend: If the 30-year-old in your life doesn't treat themselves often, consider gifting them something a little impractical. Is $25 for an object that only holds tea bags a little wild? Sure. But that's exactly what makes it a great gift. Plus, they could also use it as a little spoon rest.

  • MSRP: $25

Opens in a new window Credit: Le Creuset Le Creuset Stoneware Tea Bag Holder $25 at Amazon Shop Now

Delsey Paris Helium Aero Carry-On Suitcase

Credit: Delsey Paris

For the World Traveler: Mashable's pick for the best spinner, this suitcase is roomy, durable, and affordable. (It often dips below $100 on sale). It's also very pretty and shiny, which means you're essentially giving them the gift of globetrotting in style.

  • MSRP: $159.99

Opens in a new window Credit: Delsey Paris Delsey Paris Helium Aero Carry-On Suitcase $159.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Kindle Paperwhite

Credit: Amazon

For the Reader: Bookworms with burgeoning back problems — especially those who like to carry multiple books at once — will appreciate a transition to the Kindle lifestyle. This beloved e-reader is ultra-lightweight and has an anti-glare, waterproof screen for reading in the sunshine or by the pool.

  • MSRP: $149.99

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite $149.99 at Amazon Shop Now

iRobot Roomba j7

Credit: Roomba

For the Overextended Friend: Sometimes the best gift you can give is checking something off their to-do list. If vacuuming their apartment doesn't exactly bring them joy, snag them a Roomba to make their life a little easier. This model is a solid pick for pretty much anyone — and it's been on sale for under $300 for quite some time.

Opens in a new window Credit: Roomba iRobot Roomba j7 $599.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Set of 4 Martini Glasses


For the Martini Drinker: The mark of a true 30-year-old: owning separate glassware for different cocktails. Help them out in the martini department with this modern set of cocktail glasses. They'll also be able to use them for Manhattans, Cosmos, and more. Tip: Pair this set with a bottle of their favorite spirits for an extra-special moment.

Opens in a new window Credit: GLASSIQUE CADEAU Set of 4 Martini Glasses $32.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Ember Mug 2

Credit: Ember

For the Coffee Drinker: If they like having coffee around at all times (relatable), ensure it stays warm throughout the day with an Ember Mug. They can set their optimal temperature with the Ember app, but the mug functions independently from the app, too — it even "wakes up" when it detects your favorite hot beverage being poured.

Opens in a new window Credit: Ember Ember Mug 2 $149.95 at Amazon Shop Now

Piecework Puzzle (500 Pieces)

Credit: Piecework

For the Professional Hobbyist: Piecework's lush, lively puzzles come in plenty of fun editions, but we particularly like the dewy, textured splendor of "Tickled Pink." If 500 pieces aren't enough for them (brag), Piecework offers plenty of 1000-piece options.

Opens in a new window Credit: Piecework Puzzles Piecework Puzzle $34 at Amazon Shop Now

TriggerPoint 13-inch Foam Roller

Credit: Trigger Point

For the Athlete: Help soothe their tired, aching, 30-year-old muscles with the gift of a foam roller. This one has a hollow core for increased firmness and density and a textured surface to help target specific places on the body.

Opens in a new window Credit: Trigger Point TriggerPoint 13-inch Foam Roller $36.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Original Tamagotchi

Credit: tamagotchi

For the Cozy Games Enthusiast: "Stardew Valley" is fun and all, but you'll deliver maximum vintage appeal with a classic Tamagotchi. This version (featuring second-gen programming from 1997) comes in a cloud-print "Sky" shell. Just be sure your recipient doesn't kill it too fast — you don't want them thinking too much about mortality.

Opens in a new window Credit: Tamagotchi Original Tamagotchi $19.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Wild One Treat Pouch

Credit: Wild One

For the Pet Parent: Help them — and their dog — look stylish out on the town with this treat pouch from Wild One. It has room for their wallet, treats, poop bags, and other odds and ends — plus, they can wear it as either a crossbody or a fanny pack. Their pup will be so proud of their aesthetic sensibilities!

Opens in a new window Credit: Wild One Wild One Treat Pouch $43.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Bodum Latteo Manual Milk Frother

Credit: Bodum

For the Latte Fan: This easy-to-use manual milk frother will take their latte game to the next level right at home. (This is another one of those "upgrade" gifts we were talking about.) It's also — wait for it — dishwasher-safe.

Opens in a new window Credit: Bodum Bodum Latteo Manual Milk Frother $36 at Amazon Shop Now

Cuisinart Champagne Stopper

Credit: Cuisinart

For the Party Host: If they love to have people over, they've probably run into an age-old dilemma at the night's end: Ditch the bottle of half-drunk sparkling wine or drink it in a significantly less bubbly state the next day? This stopper will make such champagne problems a thing of the past — it'll keep their wine bubbly for up to three days.

Opens in a new window Credit: Cuisinart Cuisinart Champagne Stopper $7.99 at Amazon Shop Now

Bissell Little Green Cleaner

Credit: Bissell

For the CleanTok Fan: First, a word of warning. This is only a good gift for people who have called cleaning "relaxing" or "cathartic." If they fall into that camp, though, they'll love the TikTok-famous Little Green Cleaner, especially for removing tough stains from carpeting, upholstery, or rugs.

Opens in a new window Credit: Bissell Bissell Little Green Cleaner $123.59 at Amazon Shop Now

Vitamix 5200 Blender

Credit: Vitamix

For the Chef: A Vitamix is basically the Rolls-Royce of blenders. This one has a 64-ounce capacity and can blend hot soups, pulverize ice, and even clean itself in less than a minute. Please have them send us an invite to soup night.

Opens in a new window Credit: Vitamix Vitamix 5200 Blender $549.99 at Amazon Shop Now

LEGO Dried Flower Centerpiece

Credit: Lego

For the Wacky Decorator: A Trader Joe's bouquet won't cut it for their dinner table. They need something a little more… unorthodox. Consider gifting them this build-it-yourself LEGO centerpiece, which features an array of "flowers" and a pretty, autumnal color palette.

Opens in a new window Credit: Lego LEGO Dried Flower Centerpiece $49.99 at Amazon Shop Now

How to watch Chiefs vs. Ravens online for free

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Live stream Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens for free on RTL+. Access this free streaming platform from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The NFL is back, and it's back with an absolutely massive battle between Kansas City Chiefs and Baltimore Ravens. In a repeat of last year's AFC Championship game, we're expecting fireworks from the NFL season opener. And better yet, you don't need to spend anything to watch this fixture.

If you're interested in watching Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens for free, we have all the information you need.

When is Chiefs vs. Ravens?

Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens starts at 8:20 p.m. ET on Sep 5. This fixture takes place at Arrowhead Stadium.

How to watch Chiefs vs. Ravens for free

Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens is available to live stream for free on RTL+.

RTL+ is geo-restricted to Germany, but anyone can access this free streaming platform with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Germany, meaning you can bypass geo-restrictions to access RTL+ from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the NFL by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Germany

  4. Visit RTL+

  5. Live stream Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but top VPNs do tend to offer free-trial periods or money-back guarantees. By making the most of these deals, you can access free live streams of the NFL without actually spending anything. This is obviously a quick fix, but it gives you enough time to watch Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the NFL?

ExpressVPN is the best service for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream the NFL live, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Germany

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is always secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95, saving you 49% on list price. With this limited-time deal you'll also get an extra three months at no additional cost, a whole year of unlimited cloud backup for free, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens for free from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Get an app to help you quickly apply to jobs for just $60

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Lifetime access to LazyApply is on sale for $59.97 through September 29. Automate job applications on platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed.

Opens in a new window Credit: LazyApply LazyApply Job Application Basic: Lifetime License $59.97
$149.00 Save $89.03 Get Deal

We’ve all been there — endlessly scrolling through job listings, tweaking resumes, and writing cover letters that start to blur together. The traditional job hunt can feel like a never-ending chore, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you’re looking for a smarter approach, LazyApply might just be the tool you need. Through September 29, you can get a lifetime plan on sale for $59.97 (reg. $149).

LazyApply is designed to streamline your job search by automating the application process across major platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. With just a few clicks, you can apply to hundreds of jobs without breaking a sweat. Here’s how it works: You set your job preferences, upload your resume, and LazyApply takes care of the rest. It automatically fills out applications, saving you from the tedious task of doing it manually.

What’s great about LazyApply is the customization it offers. You can tailor your job search to focus on specific roles, industries, or companies, ensuring that your applications are targeted and relevant. Whether you’re aiming for a particular field or casting a wide net, LazyApply adapts to your needs. Plus, it can handle multiple job platforms simultaneously, maximizing your reach and boosting your chances of landing interviews.

Free up your time for more important things — like prepping for interviews or expanding your skill set. And because it operates on autopilot, you can keep your job search running 24/7, even while you sleep.

Don’t waste another minute on manual applications — let LazyApply do the work for you.

Get a lifetime subscription to LazyApply Job Application Basic on sale for $59.97 through September 29.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Get a Kodak scanner for $53 off and digitize your old film and slides

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: The Kodak Slide N Scan helps you digitize old film and slides, making it simple to preserve and share your family’s memories — on sale for $171.99 with code KODAK through September 8.

Opens in a new window Credit: Kodak Kodak Slide N Scan Film & Slide Scanner $171.99 at Mashable Shop
$224.99 Save $53.00 with code KODAK Get Deal

Those old family photos tucked away in boxes are priceless, but time isn’t always kind to them. Bring them back to life with an easy-to-use Kodak scanner that's on sale today.

The Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner is on sale for $171.99 (reg. $224.99) with promo code KODAK through September 8. Make an investment in preserving your family’s legacy.

This device is built for ease of use, making it accessible even if you’re not super tech-savvy. Just load your film negatives or slides, and with a few clicks, you can turn those forgotten images into digital files that are easy to store and share. The Kodak Slide N Scan comes with simple controls for adjusting colors, rotating images, and making basic edits, ensuring your photos look their best.

Preserving your family’s history is made easy with this scanner. Whether you’re saving your grandparents’ wedding pictures or the ones from that family beach trip when you were four, the Slide N Scan allows you to keep these moments safe for future generations. The ability to digitize your photos means they’re no longer at risk of being lost or damaged, and you can share them with family members and on social media.

Until September 8 at 11:59 pm. PT, invest in the Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner for $171.99 with code KODAK and start turning your cherished memories into digital keepsakes today.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Get a $30 HD monocular telescope and zoom in on adventure

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: You can own a high-definition monocular telescope, great for outdoor adventures and wildlife-spotting, for just $29.97 (reg. $54.99) through September 29.

Opens in a new window Credit: Mesay High Definition Monocular Telescope $29.97
$54.99 Save $25.02 Get Deal

If you love the outdoors and enjoy getting up close to nature, a quality monocular telescope could be your new best friend.

This high-definition monocular telescope is available for just $39.97 through September 29. It's a powerful tool that brings distant landscapes, wildlife, and other details into sharp focus, making your wilderness adventures even more exciting.

This telescope is equipped with a 50mm objective lens and 12x magnification, allowing you to zoom in on your subject with crystal clarity. Whether you're hiking, birdwatching, or just exploring your surroundings, this telescope lets you see the world in a whole new way. The multi-coated optics provide excellent light transmission, giving you bright and detailed images even in low light conditions — which could also make it a great choice for a concert if your seats are far away!

It's compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go, and it even comes with a smartphone adapter, so you can capture and share your discoveries with friends and family.

Featuring a comfortable, ergonomic design with a non-slip grip, it helps ensure that you can hold it steady even during long viewing sessions. It’s also built to be water-resistant, so a little rain won’t spoil your fun.

Amp up your outdoor experiences and get closer to the action. Open up a world of detail with a high-definition monocular telescope on sale for $39.97 through September 29.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Get Fooducate for just $40 for life and get an instant report card for every meal

Mashable - Thu, 09/05/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Fooducate Premium helps you track your food, exercise, and more for life for just $39.99 (reg. $149.97).

Opens in a new window Credit: Maple Media Fooducate Pro Meal-Tracking App: Lifetime Subscription $49.99
$149.97 Save $99.98 Get Deal

Ever wonder what your food would say if it could talk? With Fooducate Premium, it’s like your groceries got a report card, and you’re the teacher.

For just $39.99, you can score a lifetime subscription to Fooducate, a useful and easy health app that makes tracking your food, exercise, sleep, and even your mood more fun.

Fooducate isn’t just another app that nags you about calories — it’s your health’s new BFF, helping you make sense of what you’re eating and how it affects your body. It grades your food, offers tips that are actually useful (not just the usual boring stuff), and even tracks how you feel, so you can see how your choices impact your day-to-day life. Whether you’re trying to snack smarter, drink more water, or just keep tabs on your sleep, Fooducate has got your back.

The best part? You’ll never have to pay another dime. With this lifetime subscription, you’ll have all the tools you need to keep your health in check, without the monthly fees.

Why not make your health journey a little more entertaining? Grab the Fooducate Premium Pro Meal-Tracking App for $39.99 and start having some fun with food tracking.

StackSocial prices subject to change.


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