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Webb telescope peers into our galaxy's outskirts, sees stunning scene

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

The far outskirts of our galaxy are teeming with activity.

Astronomers pointed the powerful James Webb Space Telescope at a distant zone dubbed the "Extreme Outer Galaxy," and zoomed in on dense cosmic clouds containing clusters of stars. In unprecedented resolution of this region, they spotted vibrant star formation, and potent jets of material ejecting from these hot objects.

"What was fascinating and astounding to me from the Webb data is that there are multiple jets shooting out in all different directions from this cluster of stars," NASA scientist Mike Ressler, who led observations, said in a statement. "It’s a little bit like a firecracker, where you see things shooting this way and that.”

SEE ALSO: NASA scientist viewed first Voyager images. What he saw gave him chills.

You can see this activity below in a region of Digel Cloud 2S. Amid this cluster of young stars are jets zipping out from the cluster. Young stars emit these jets of gas and dust from their poles, which travel into space.

"It’s a little bit like a firecracker, where you see things shooting this way and that.”

And there's added cosmic eye candy. Beyond these dynamic stars at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, you can spot a diversity of distant galaxies, shown in reddish and greenish colors. Many of these are spiral galaxies, like ours.

A vibrant star-forming region in the "Extreme Outer Galaxy," as captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI / M. Ressler (JPL) Tweet may have been deleted

The "Extreme Outer Galaxy" is located over 58,000 light-years (a light-year is almost 6 trillion miles) from the center of our galaxy. Earth, meanwhile, is some 26,000 light-years from the center.

This latest Webb research, published in the peer-reviewed Astronomical Journal, provides novel observations in scientists' quest to fully grasp how stars form in different galactic environments.

A graphic of the Milky Way galaxy, with the sun shown below the galactic center. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC / Caltech) The Webb telescope's powerful abilities

The Webb telescope — a scientific collaboration between NASA, ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency — is designed to peer into the deepest cosmos and reveal new insights about the early universe. But it's also examining intriguing planets in our galaxy, along with the planets and moons in our solar system.

Here's how Webb is achieving unparalleled feats, and likely will for decades to come:

- Giant mirror: Webb's mirror, which captures light, is over 21 feet across. That's over two-and-a-half times larger than the Hubble Space Telescope's mirror. Capturing more light allows Webb to see more distant, ancient objects. The telescope is peering at stars and galaxies that formed over 13 billion years ago, just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. "We're going to see the very first stars and galaxies that ever formed," Jean Creighton, an astronomer and the director of the Manfred Olson Planetarium at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, told Mashable in 2021.

- Infrared view: Unlike Hubble, which largely views light that's visible to us, Webb is primarily an infrared telescope, meaning it views light in the infrared spectrum. This allows us to see far more of the universe. Infrared has longer wavelengths than visible light, so the light waves more efficiently slip through cosmic clouds; the light doesn't as often collide with and get scattered by these densely packed particles. Ultimately, Webb's infrared eyesight can penetrate places Hubble can't.

"It lifts the veil," said Creighton.

- Peering into distant exoplanets: The Webb telescope carries specialized equipment called spectrographs that will revolutionize our understanding of these far-off worlds. The instruments can decipher what molecules (such as water, carbon dioxide, and methane) exist in the atmospheres of distant exoplanets — be they gas giants or smaller rocky worlds. Webb looks at exoplanets in the Milky Way galaxy. Who knows what we'll find?

"We might learn things we never thought about," Mercedes López-Morales, an exoplanet researcher and astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics-Harvard & Smithsonian, told Mashable in 2021.

Already, astronomers have successfully found intriguing chemical reactions on a planet 700 light-years away, and have started looking at one of the most anticipated places in the cosmos: the rocky, Earth-sized planets of the TRAPPIST solar system.

Every single Wes Anderson movie ranked, worst to best

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

Wes Anderson and his level of twee is not for everyone; there are apparently viewers who don't like their comedies brimming with quirky charm, deadpan absurdity, and perfectly balanced cinematography. For them, Rob Schneider is probably still making movies somewhere. But for the rest of us who do appreciate Anderson's particularly particular brand of cinema, there's plenty to love across 30 years of movie-making, including his oddball characters (and their inevitably fraught familial relationships), his winking approach to naming them and the places they inhabit, and his marvelously detailed mise-en-scéne. 

There are few working directors with an idiosyncratic style that is so immediately recognizable and imitated (but never equaled, despite the best efforts of AI). Anderson's use of symmetrical shots with precise production design, huge casts of unforgettable characters played by a deep bench of big-name actors, and enough retro rock needle drops to fill an hours-long Spotify playlist marks a film as distinctly his. 

For all their preciousness, these movies don't take themselves too seriously, and never veer away from silliness and whimsy. However, we do take the task of judging them very seriously. Sticking with only the director's 11 features (apologies to his shorts, including Netflix's The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, which won him his first and only Oscar to date), we've ranked Wes Anderson's movies from worst to best. 

His filmography doesn't contain a truly bad film; some have curdled a bit over the years while others have aged remarkably well. Even those set in a particular era feel timeless thanks to the auteur's style, which feels vintage but never dated. Which movie about a misfit — or misfits — will reign supreme? 

11. The Darjeeling Limited Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock

Anderson's films are populated with complicated characters who are sometimes more lovable than likable, but the trio at the heart of The Darjeeling Limited are his more insufferable and least interesting protagonists. Anderson regulars Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, and Jason Schwartzman star as three brothers grieving the loss of their father while they take a train across India. They're looking to find themselves, and the people they encounter often serve as a part of the experience rather than real humans. It isn't just the three protagonists who treat these minor characters this way; The Darjeeling Limited does so as well. 

Anderson has often displayed a tendency to use either settings or cultures for his own purposes rather than engaging with them on their own merits. That habit might be at its worst in this 2007 comedy, in which he uses the death of an Indian child as a catalyst for the brothers' growth. I'd mark this as a spoiler, but it's not really relevant to the plot (and no one is watching Anderson movies for the plot anyway). Some growth happens, but these characters remain mostly selfish and stunted when the film reaches the end of its journey.

Yet amidst all the annoyance, The Darjeeling Limited is one of Anderson's most vibrantly colorful films, especially in its use of highly pigmented yellow. The director also accurately reflects the dynamics of relationships between brothers in ways that feel authentic. It's a shame he doesn't devote the same care to literally any of the Indian characters. 

How to watch: The Darjeeling Limited is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

10. Bottle Rocket Credit: Columbia / Kobal / Shutterstock

Anderson's 1996 feature debut feels right at home with other early works from indie auteurs who launched their careers in the same era — David O. Russell's Spanking the Monkey, future Anderson co-writer Noah Baumbach's Kicking and Screaming, etc. — with its low-key, almost shaggy aesthetic, oddball characters, and deadpan humor. Yet while this crime comedy was less mannered and precise than future films from Anderson, Bottle Rocket still bears his hallmarks and feels like something only the Texas native could have made. 

An expansion of his 1993 short film of the same name, Bottle Rocket stars Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, and Robert Musgrave as three friends and partners in crime who join a gang led by James Caan's big boss for a bigger heist. Beyond the presence of the Wilson brothers not playing brothers — including Andrew Wilson in a small role as the brother of Musgrave's character — the film features other frequently occurring motifs from Anderson's work, like jangly vintage rock on the soundtrack, handwritten notes on screen, careful shot composition, and thoughtful mise-en-scène (including the requisite wallpaper). But there's a moment in a burglary scene where Luke Wilson's Anthony carefully adjusts a toy soldier that feels most like the filmmaker's later work with its precision and wry humor; it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it movement, but watching it decades later feels like you're witnessing the birth of something big, even in something so small. 

How to watch: Bottle Rocket is now streaming on Prime Video.

9. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock

After the success of The Royal Tenenbaums a few years prior, Anderson went bigger — but not better — with this 2004 follow-up. Bill Murray's Steve Zissou doesn't feel that far removed from Royal Tenenbaum as a bad (maybe) dad who says shit that wasn't great in 2004 and plays even worse in 2024, and who is estranged from an ex-wife played by Anjelica Huston (in full-on siren mode here). Aquatic explorer Zissou takes his band of misfits (including Willem Dafoe, Noah Taylor, and Seu Jorge) on a mission of revenge after his best friend and best diver, Esteban du Plantier (Seymour Cassel), is eaten by a jaguar shark. Along for the ride are Ned Plimpton (Owen Wilson), a Kentucky pilot who might be Zissou's son, and Jane Winslett-Richardson (Cate Blanchett), a journalist doing a piece on the famed scientist and documentarian. 

Co-written by Anderson and Noah Baumbach, the plot is a kooky modern-day take on Moby Dick with Zissou's quest defying all reason, but the film feels rudderless, leaving the audience adrift on pure vibes in a sea of red stocking caps and custom Adidas sneakers. Yet The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou still has its charms: the Portuguese covers of David Bowie songs by Jorge, the loving feature-length homage to Jacques Cousteau, and the animated creatures created by Henry Selick that feel just fantastic enough. It's not peak Anderson, but it's pure Anderson just the same. 

How to watch: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

8. Rushmore Credit: Touchstone / Kobal / Shutterstock

Anderson's 1998 sophomore film might be his last one with any semblance to the real world, if a posh private high school can be said to resemble the real world, but Rushmore still features his trademark absurdity. Jason Schwartzman makes his acting debut as Max Fischer, a prototypical Anderson protagonist who is at once precocious and stunted. A scholarship student at his beloved Rushmore Academy, Max gets terrible grades but excels at extracurriculars. He's a bit of a dilettante, but he soon becomes singularly devoted to winning the affections of Rosemary Cross (Olivia Williams), an elementary teacher at the school. 

Rushmore doesn't just feature the first collaboration between the director and Schwartzman, who he would go on to work with as both an actor and a co-writer for more than two decades. It's also his inaugural work with Bill Murray, who stars as Herman Blume, Max's mentor-turned-romantic-rival. Murray's wry humor and up-for-antics attitude is a perfect fit for the wit of Anderson and Owen Wilson's script, which is silly and smart and so very Anderson. It's one of his smaller-scale films, but it still shows sparks of ambition and his inimitable style.

How to watch: Rushmore is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

7. Isle of Dogs Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures / Moviestore / Shutterstock

Anderson isn't generally known for his deeply stirring narratives, but the emotion felt most while watching this stop-motion comedy is awe (plus some discomfort over how the movie handles its Japanese setting and the white savior narrative with Greta Gerwig's character, but I digress). Fantastic Mr. Fox, which was released a decade before this movie, was an achievement. While Isle of Dogs is even more technically innovative and visually impressive in its meticulous craft, it's less charming as a film overall and falls roughly in the middle of the pack of the director's filmography.

This 2018 comic adventure is set in the fictional Japanese town of Megasaki City (eye roll), whose dogs have all been exiled to Trash Island by the mayor after a canine disease outbreak. Voiced by Koyu Rankin, the mayor's nephew Atari (another eye roll) embarks on a rescue mission to the garbage dump to save his beloved pup. The story of a lost dog is nothing new in cinema, but Anderson brings his trademark quirk and imagination, making Isle of Dogs feel like something new and worthy of wonder.

Though its main characters are kids and dogs, Isle of Dogs isn't purely a children's movie with its message about immigration, sometimes surprisingly dark plot events (and their effects on its vulnerable characters), and accompanying PG-13 rating. It's less of a good entry point to the director's work than Fantastic Mr. Fox was, making for the most fitting viewing for devoted fans of either the filmmaker or the medium.

How to watch: Isle of Dogs is now streaming on Disney+.

6. The French Dispatch Credit: Searchlight Pictures / Everett / Shutterstock

Anderson's cinematic take on The New Yorker roughly follows the format of the revered magazine, featuring a masthead intro, brief travelog, three feature articles (one with a cartoon in the middle of it, naturally), and an obituary, mixing mediums and styles with aplomb. Anderson's love of the written word has been present throughout his work — whether literally through handwritten notebook pages or through clear literary affection (or is that affectation?) and references — but it's never been more on display than it is with The French Dispatch

Within the framing of a magazine, the bulk of The French Dispatch is composed of a triptych of stories: one about a prisoner artist (Benicio del Toro) and his guard/muse (Léa Seydoux), a second about a French Dispatch journalist (Frances McDormand) and her intimate involvement with her subject (Timothée Chalamet), and finally an unconventional story of gastronomy about a police chef (Steve Park) and a kidnapping plot covered by a James Baldwin-esque writer (Jeffrey Wright). There are so many moments of joy in The French Dispatch, but the middle section sags a bit, somehow inducing a nap despite the presence of McDormand, Chalamet, and Mathieu Amalric. 

The French Dispatch feels like a rejoinder to anyone who has criticized Anderson's films like Isle of Dogs and The Darjeeling Limited for cultural appropriation and insensitivity. He takes an equally loose, stereotypical approach here, setting the film in Ennui-sur-Blasé, France, a fictional city replete with surface-level observations about a place and its denizens. See? He can do it with white people, too. 

How to watch: The French Dispatch is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

5. Moonrise Kingdom Credit: Focus / Everett / Shutterstock

Anderson usually crafts films set in the vaguely indefinable present, but with an old-school soundtrack and vintage production design that make his movies feel wonderfully timeless. Yet Moonrise Kingdom is the first movie in his career that actually takes place in the past, and the nostalgic details and wistful approach are perfect for its 1965 setting.

Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy (Kara Hayward) are tween residents of the island of New Penzance who develop mutual crushes after a brief meeting followed by written correspondence. They decide to run away together — him from his Scout troop and her from her parents (Frances McDormand and Bill Murray) — and they're pursued by the island citizens, including the local police captain (Bruce Willis), Sam's fellow Khaki Scouts, their Scout Master (Edward Norton), and a brutal bully (Lucas Hedges), all while a storm bears down on the island. 

Other than Rushmore, Anderson largely makes movies about adults stuck in childhood, so Moonrise Kingdom marks an interesting inversion to that formula. With Sam and Suzy, this 2012 romantic adventure focuses on actual kids who often act more like grown-ups, but it never loses its sense of tenderness and innocence in the wistful story of their young love. 

How to watch: Moonrise Kingdom is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

4. The Grand Budapest Hotel Credit: 20th Century Fox / Kobal / Shutterstock

A story within a story within a story, set in the fictional Eastern European country of Zubrowka, The Grand Budapest Hotel is simultaneously ambitious and playful in its structure and silly and gravely serious in its tone. This Zubrowkan equivalent of a matryoshka doll spins the tale of a woman reading a 1985 book written by an author (Tom Wilkinson) about a 1968 encounter where the then-younger writer (Jude Law) learns of events in 1932 at the eponymous hotel. 

At the now-fading Grand Budapest, Zero (F. Murray Abraham) recounts his youth as a lobby boy (Tony Revolori) who served under the venerated concierge Monsieur Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes). Gustave got in a spot of trouble when his habit of romancing the hotel's oldest, richest female guests found him accused of the murder of Madame D. (Tilda Swinton in layers of makeup), setting Zero and his boss off on a series of misadventures with danger arriving from both the authoritarian regime and Madame D.'s family. 

Inspired by the work of Stefan Zweig, this 2014 film has uncommon gravitas for an Anderson movie, as it explores the impacts of the Holocaust on Europe and its various minority populations. However, this tiered confection never feels overly heavy, nor does it make light of the tragedies it references. Anderson ably balances the tone, but Fiennes is a charming standout, even among a typically huge cast that also includes Jeff Goldblum, Ed Norton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Owen Wilson, and Saoirse Ronan. 

How to watch: The Grand Budapest Hotel is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

3. Asteroid City Credit: Focus Features

Artifice has always been a hallmark of Anderson's work, but there are new layers in his most recent feature, from 2023. Asteroid City is a thoroughly postmodern movie set in the Space Age; it's a film of a TV production of a play, complete with a narrator, fourth-wall breaks, and intentionally unrealistic sets. The plot is often opaque (and not particularly important), but that somehow doesn't lessen its crater-sized emotional impact. 

The play is about a Junior Stargazer convention set in Asteroid City, during which a number of quirky young scientists and their families — along with a surprise galactic guest — converge on the small, remote town. Asteroid City is notably Anderson's first movie without Bill Murray in two decades, but Tom Hanks ably steps into the elder statesman role, bringing a warmth that Murray often lacks to his part as a rich grandfather. In addition to Hanks, Asteroid City features a number of Anderson newcomers, including Margot Robbie and Steve Carell, as well as the usual stable of actors: Jason Schwartzman, Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Tony Revolori, etc. 

Through all those layers of theatricality and absurdity, Asteroid City ranks with The Royal Tenenbaums as one of Anderson's most moving films. It's a profound meditation on how small we are in the universe, yet how truly special each and every life is. Asteroid City reflects on the power of the simple act of staring up at the sky, and how important human connection is in this crazy world. 

How to watch: Asteroid City is now streaming on Prime Video.

2. Fantastic Mr. Fox Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock

The precision and preciousness that Anderson brings to every film feels like a natural fit for stop-motion animation, and he's rarely been better than in his first full-length foray into the medium. Adapted by Anderson and Noah Baumbach from the Roald Dahl children's novel of the same name, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a delight, even sillier than most of the filmmaker's work in the best of ways, which is a perfect match for the source material and its intended audience.

George Clooney lends his voice to the eponymous hero, playing off his on-screen personas of Danny Ocean and Out of Sight's Jack Foley as a fox who just wants to complete one last heist, with Mrs. Fox (voiced by Meryl Streep) none the wiser. But instead of jewels or money, Mr. Fox is intent on stealing chickens from the nearby farms of Boggis, Bunce, and Bean (Robin Hurlstone, Hugo Guinness, and Michael Gambon). 

Whether you're an adult or a child, it's impossible not to giggle with glee at Anderson's accomplishments in this 2009 film. It's marvelously detailed, down to the minute stitches and woven wool of the characters' clothing. The animals generally behave like humans, even cursing in a wonderfully PG way, until they growl and snarl ferociously as they're scrapping with each other or scarfing down a meal. Fantastic Mr. Fox is a wildly imaginative wonder that delivers the themes Anderson often returns to — like challenging father-son relationships, tensions between rivals, and the desire to reclaim past glory — but this time, he does it with brilliance for a new, younger audience.

How to watch: Fantastic Mr. Fox is now streaming on Disney+.

1. The Royal Tenenbaums Credit: Everett / Shutterstock

Anderson's more recent work is marked by sprawling casts filled with recognizable faces, but The Royal Tenenbaums was his first film that went big on its list of actors to fill out the Tenenbaums and those in their orbit. The introduction of all these people, with narrator Alec Baldwin speaking over The Mutato Muzika Orchestra's cover of "Hey Jude," builds the 2001 film's version of New York City and constructs these characters with such love and care. The Tenenbaum kids — Richie (Luke Wilson), Chas (Ben Stiller), and Margot (Gwyneth Paltrow) — are each struggling with adulthood in different ways, but the return of their reprobate father, Royal (a sparky Gene Hackman), brings them all back under the roof of their mother, Etheline (Anjelica Huston), at 111 Archer Avenue.

Written by Anderson and co-star Owen Wilson and set to an all-timer of a soundtrack, The Royal Tenenbaums is the director's funniest film with marvelously quotable lines, but it's also among his most moving. Familial relationships feature prominently through a lot of his films, but the most poignant moment in his work is when Stiller's Chas chokes out, "I've had a rough year, Dad," to Hackman's Royal. Somewhere in the bowels of the internet, my MySpace quote is still "I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum," just like neighbor Eli Cash (Owen Wilson). It's easy to identify with his desire to be a part of this tribe.

How to watch: The Royal Tenenbaums is available to rent or buy on Prime Video.

Your launchpad to a tech career — learn the skills that top employers want

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Get 15 coding courses for just $39.97 through September 29 with this Learn to Code certification bundle, designed to prepare you for in-demand tech roles.

The demand for skilled developers is booming, with career paths like software development, data science, and AI engineering leading the way. If you’ve been thinking about getting into tech, now’s the perfect time. This Learn to Code bundle offers 15 comprehensive courses that provide a solid foundation for anyone aiming to break into these lucrative fields.

Want to become a software developer? Master key programming languages like Python, C++, and JavaScript — all covered in the bundle. Learn to create dynamic applications, write efficient code, and solve complex problems, all skills that employers are hungry for.

Interested in web development? The bundle includes in-depth courses on JavaScript, Vuex, and Ruby on Rails, giving you the tools to build interactive, user-friendly websites. These skills are essential for landing web development jobs, where the demand is higher than ever as businesses move online.

For those leaning toward AI and data science, you’ll dive into topics like machine learning, computer vision, and OpenAI fundamentals. These cutting-edge courses will prepare you for roles in AI development or data analytics — fields that are growing fast and offer high-paying opportunities.

With this bundle, you’re not just learning to code — you’re building a skill set that can open the door to multiple tech career paths. For just $39.99, it’s a small investment that can lead to big opportunities.

Until September 29, get lifetime access to this Learn to Code bundle for $39.97.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: StackCommerce The 2024 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle $39.97
$1,500.00 Save $1,460.03 Get Deal

Get a NanoPhone the size of a credit card for $100

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: For a limited time, the NanoPhone miniaturized smartphone is on sale for just $99.97 (reg. $199) through September 29.

Opens in a new window Credit: Mutant Design Lab NanoPhone $99.97
$199.99 Save $100.02 A Miniaturized Smartphone Packed with Features Get Deal

When it comes to smartphones, bigger isn’t always better. The NanoPhone, a credit-card-sized mini marvel, proves that great things really do come in small packages.

For just $99.97 (down from $199), this compact wonder gives you all the essential smartphone features without the bulk of a full-sized phone.

Whether heading to a wedding, a game, the gym, or just out for the night, the NanoPhone is the perfect sidekick for staying connected without worrying about losing or damaging your primary phone.

Don’t let the NanoPhone’s small size fool you — it’s packed with features that allow you to text, call, and use apps just like your regular smartphone. With dual SIM support, you can even stay connected with two phone numbers at once, making it perfect for travel, business, or keeping your personal and work lines separate. And with 4G and WiFi connectivity, you’ll enjoy decent browsing, streaming, and app usage no matter where you are.

Sometimes, carrying around a bulky, expensive smartphone just doesn’t make sense. Maybe you’re dancing at a wedding, cheering at a game, or lifting weights at the gym. The NanoPhone is the perfect solution for these situations. It’s small enough to slip into a pocket or clutch, but powerful enough to handle your voice calls, video chats, and essential apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and YouTube.

It should be noted that a SIM card/data plan is not included. If you want to utilize a 4G network for traditional phone calls, you will need to connect it to a service provider using a SIM card.

This pocket-friendly device packs most of the features you love into a mini, durable design.

Get the NanoPhone miniaturized smartphone on sale for just $99.97 (reg. $199) through September 29.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Save big on Microsoft Office with a one-time purchase — just $24.97

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Through September 29, get Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for Windows for only $24.97 — a lifetime license with no recurring fees.

Tired of subscription fees piling up month after month? If you're a professional, freelancer, or small business owner who wants a powerful suite of tools without the headache of ongoing costs, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for Windows is your answer.

For just $24.97 through September 29, you can score a lifetime license to the essential programs you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, and Access — without worrying about renewal fees or price hikes.

Unlike Office 365, which requires a monthly or yearly payment, this version gives you all the tools you need in one fixed, affordable purchase. While it’s optimized for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019, it’s perfect for anyone sticking with these platforms and not quite ready to jump to Windows 11. And although Office 2021 and cloud-based options may offer some extra features, Office 2019 provides all the essentials at a fraction of the cost.

For cost-conscious users who prioritize owning their software over renting it, this is the smart choice. You get a stable, powerful suite of tools that helps keep you productive without the constant drain of subscription fees. Why pay more for features you don’t need? With Office 2019, you own it for life — no surprises, no price hikes, just reliable software that works.

Until September 29, pay just once for a 2019 lifetime license to Microsoft Office for Windows — just $24.97 (reg. $229).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Retail King Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for Windows $24.97
$229.00 Save $204.03 Get Deal

Get Microsoft 365 for a year for only $40

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Get a one-year subscription to Microsoft 365 for just $39.97 (reg. $69) through September 29.

Opens in a new window Credit: RetailKing Microsoft 365: 1-Year Subscription $39.97
$69.99 Save $30.02 Get Deal

We are all basically trying to figure out the best software or apps to help us run our professional or personal lives more efficiently. If you’re looking for an easy way to stay productive, organized, and secure, a 1-year subscription to Microsoft 365 could be your ideal solution.

For just $39.97 (down from $69), you’ll have access to the latest versions of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote for one person across devices — be it Windows or Mac. With this offer, you can work seamlessly across your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Android devices and always have the most up-to-date features.

What sets Microsoft 365 apart is its ability to deliver the latest features, tools, and security updates the moment they’re released. Whether you’re creating professional presentations in PowerPoint, crunching numbers in Excel, or managing your day-to-day tasks with Outlook, Microsoft 365 helps with productivity and efficiency, all while keeping your information secure.

Microsoft Defender gets you identity theft monitoring and protection against digital threats to help your personal information stay safe. Plus, Outlook allows you to manage multiple email accounts, free from ads, and offers built-in security to protect your inbox.

With 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage, you can store, share, and access all your important documents, photos, and videos across multiple devices. It’s perfect for backing up files and collaborating with others, and you’ll always have peace of mind knowing your files are protected by advanced security features, including built-in ransomware detection and file recovery options.

For even more security, you can safeguard your most important files in OneDrive’s Personal Vault, which offers two-step identity verification for an extra layer of protection.

Invest in tools to help make managing your work and personal life easier and more secure.

A one-year subscription to Microsoft 365 is just $39.97 (reg. $69) through September 29.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Get a wireless car display on sale for $80 and drive smarter

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Through September 29, get a wireless car display with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility on sale for $79.97 (reg. $139.99).

Opens in a new window Credit: RochasDivineMart Wireless Car Display with Apple CarPlay/Android Auto Compatibility & Phone Mirroring $79.97
$140.00 Save $60.03 Get Deal

Driving just got a whole lot smarter. With the Wireless Heads-Up Car Display, you can stay connected to your favorite apps without taking your eyes off the road. Whether you’re a daily commuter or road trip enthusiast, this display keeps your focus where it belongs — on the road ahead.

It’s a simple yet powerful upgrade that offers a safer, more personalized driving experience for $79.97 (reg. $139) through September 29.

Compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, this heads-up display offers seamless voice control. That means you can make calls, navigate, or switch playlists using simple voice commands, all while keeping your hands firmly on the wheel. No more fumbling with your phone or being distracted by screens — just smooth, intuitive driving.

Beyond safety, the display brings a personal touch to your drive. You’ll have real-time access to navigation, messages, and music, all with the sound of your voice. The setup is quick, and its wireless functionality means no annoying cables cluttering up your dashboard.

At $79.97, the Wireless Heads-Up Car Display with CarPlay, Android Auto support, and phone mirroring is the perfect blend of safety and entertainment, making it easier than ever to enjoy your drive while staying connected.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

iPhone 11 to iPhone 16: What has changed in 5 years?

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:00

"How the hell does the iPhone differ from generation to generation?" some ask. "All the iPhones in recent years are all the same!" others exclaim.

It's true that most of the iPhone upgrades have been incremental, but in Apple's defense, why overhaul something that's already good? Innovation is exciting, but it also comes with risks. Sometimes, it's best to play it safe.

That being said, to prove that no iPhone is the same, here are the changes Apple has implemented for each line, from the iPhone 11 to the iPhone 16.

SEE ALSO: iPhone 15 vs. iPhone 15 Pro: What are the differences? iPhone 11

The iPhone 11, with a starting price of $699, shoved the iPhone XR out of the way with new cameras, improved audio, and a better display.

iPhone 11 Credit: Apple

The 2019-launched smartphone shot 4K video at 60 frames per second, up from 1080p at 60 frames per second. Let's dive into all the other goodies Apple packed into the iPhone 11.

Camera features
  • Night Mode is introduced

  • New slow-mo video for the selfie camera

  • Tap-to-hold as a shortcut for video recording (in Photo mode)

  • Upgraded wide camera with faster autofocus, better low-light performance

  • Upgraded ultra-wide camera with a wider field of view (120 degrees)

  • "Semantic rendering" - a process that intelligently detects subjects before readjusting lighting

  • "Stereoscopic depth" in Portrait Mode for better depth-of-field

  • "High-key mono" effect added to Portrait Mode

  • Updated telephoto for better light-gathering (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New "Deep Fusion" computational photography feature that decreases noise and improves detail (Pro and Pro Max only)

iPhone 11 Pro Credit: Apple Display
  • New Super Retina XDR display for improved contrast and brightness. (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Spatial audio - Dynamic speakers that simulate surround-sound, thanks to a new sound virtualizer and Dolby Atmos support

iPhone 12

Despite chaos descending upon the world with the pandemic, Apple launched the new iPhone 12 in 2020, albeit later than its typical September launch.

Zlata Ivleva / mashable Credit: Apple

Announced in October, the iPhone 12 line was the first to introduce the new short-lived "mini" line. The iPhone 11's successor also brought 5G support. However, at the time, many critics shrugged at this because 5G wasn't widely available. Let's take a look at the series' new features.

  • Updated wide camera with improved low-light performance

  • Night Mode now featured on all cameras (instead of just the wide shooter)

  • New "Night mode time-lapse" feature

  • Deep Fusion now on all four cameras, including wide, ultrawide, selfie, and telephoto shooters

  • Longer telephoto lens (Pro Max only)

  • Updated wide lens with improved optical image stabilization, also known as "Sensor Shift," and better low-light performance (Pro Max only)

  • Apple ProRAW, an option to access minimally processed photos (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • HDR video recording, allowing you to capture more vivid videos (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New LiDAR scanner, unlocking new depth perception capabilities and AR features (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Higher-res Super Retina XDR display

  • Increased display durability with Ceramic Shield

  • Larger display (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • MagSafe charging, a new magnetic way of juicing up your iPhone

  • 5G support

iPhone 13

The iPhone 13 reportedly introduced 20% smaller notch, but in my personal opinion, I didn't like the change.

iPhone 13 Credit: Stan Schroeder / Mashable

Sure, it was less wide, but it dipped even further into the display. On the plus side, this family of phones debuted a bigger battery, which means runtime on a single charge should have improved over the iPhone 12. But what else did the iPhone 13 bring to the table? Let's take a look.

  • Cinematic Mode, a rack focus feature that changes the depth effect of your videos with bokeh

  • Updated wide camera with brighter results in photos, videos

  • "Sensor Shift" now available for entry-level phones (mini and standard iPhone)

  • Better Night Mode

  • Telephoto now offers up to 3x optical zoom (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New autofocus, better low-light performance in ultrawide camera (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Better light-gathering for wide camera (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Photographic Styles (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • ProRes video, an Apple video codec that preserves detail in HDR imagery

Cinematic Mode in action Credit: Apple Display
  • Brighter display

  • ProMotion, a variable refresh-rate feature from 10Hz to 120Hz (Pro and Pro Max only)

iPhone 14

So long, mini! Apple replaced the mini, which entered the iPhone family alongside the 12 line, with the new iPhone 14 Plus. Another feature Apple killed off is the physical SIM card.

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro Max Credit: Apple

Check out the other surprises the iPhone 14 delivered in 2022.

  • Updated wide camera with a larger sensor, better low-light performance (standard and Plus only)

  • Updated ultrawide camera for improvement in low-light performance

  • New 48MP wide camera, up from 12MP (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Selfie camera also gets low-light improvement; plus, it has autofocus for the first time

  • New "Photonic Engine," an improved version of Deep Fusion

  • New Action Mode, allowing users to capture moments while on the move

Credit: Apple Display
  • Brighter display (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Always-on display (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • iPhone 14 Plus replaces the would-be iPhone 14 mini, matching the size of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, but offering fewer features

  • Dynamic Island - a feature that animates your interactions with your iPhone — and makes better use of the controversial notch (Pro and Pro Max only)

Credit: Apple Connectivity
  • eSIM replaces the physical SIM card

  • Emergency SOS via satellite, allows users to seek help in poor-coverage areas

Safety and security
  • Crash detection, thanks to a new gyroscope and accelerometer. This notifies emergency personnel if users are in a crash.

iPhone 15

Cue Sia because one of the biggest draws of the iPhone 15 is, at the top of my lungs, titanium! Oh, and let's not forget the USB-C port and the debut of Apple Intelligence in beta (Pro models only).

Credit: Stan Schroeder/Mashable

Let's check out the other features Apple packed inside the iPhone 15.

  • 48MP wide camera from iPhone 14 line now featured across all phones, not just Pro models

  • 48MP wide camera with a wider sensor, lens-flare reduction, more focal length, and better low-light performance (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Spatial video recording for Apple Vision Pro (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New 5x optical zoom (Pro Max only)

  • New ProRes 4K at 60 frames per second (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New USB-C port

  • Dynamic Island featured across all phones, not just the Pro models

  • New "Grade 5" Titanium enclosure (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Thinner bezels (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New customizable Action Button (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Roadside Assistance via satellite, a service that helps users who face sticky situations while they're on the road

  • Games like Resident Evil Village and Assassin's Creed Mirage can run natively on iPhone 15 Pro models, thanks to the upgraded graphics

iPhone 16

The iPhone 15 introduced the Action Button, which was limited to the Pro models.

Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

But with the launch of the iPhone 16 lineup, the Action Button is now included across all four phones. On top of that, Apple added a new Camera Control button to the iPhone 16; this new feature also spans across the entire lineup.

Apple also claims that the iPhone 16 Pro Max has the best battery life to date.

  • New Camera Control button that gives you easy access to Zoom, Photographic Styles, Exposure, Tone, and more

  • New Visual Intelligence (found on Camera Control button) that lets you use the camera to get information about subjects in your surroundings

  • New "optical quality" 2X zoom on iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus

  • 12MP ultrawide camera on iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus now has autofocus, macro photography support, and better light capture

  • Spatial video and photo capture now across all iPhone 16 models

  • New Photographic Styles (e.g., Gold, Cozy, Quiet, Amber, etc.)

  • New 48MP ultrawide camera, up from 12MP (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • 4K video recording at 120Hz, as well as a zippier slow-mo option (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Bigger displays, now 6.3 inches for Pro and 6.9 inches for Pro Max, and thinnest bezels on any Apple product (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Second-generation "Ceramic Shield" for even better glass display durability (50% tougher than first-generation)

  • Action Button now across entire lineup

  • More "true-to-life" audio with improved studio-quality mics (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Spatial audio capture (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • New Audio Mix feature that reduces unwanted noise during video capture (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Layering one track over another in Voice Memos (Pro and Pro Max only)

  • Thanks to new A18 chip on iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, and improved thermal management, Apple claims that gaming has "30% higher sustained performance"

  • Support for hardware accelerated ray-tracing for iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, with 5x higher frame rates

  • iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus can now run some native AAA games that were once Pro-only, including Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and Assassin's Creed Mirage.

  • Improved thermal capacity on iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max and new A18 Pro chip

Opens in a new window Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable iPhone 16 $799.00 at Apple
Get Deal Opens in a new window Credit: Mashable iPhone 15 $729.00 at Best Buy
Get Deal

How to watch Bournemouth vs. Chelsea online for free

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 01:00

TL;DR: Live stream Bournemouth vs. Chelsea in the Premier League for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo. Access Fubo from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Nobody really knows what's going on with Chelsea. They have an enormous squad of players that don't seem to really gel with each other, but you can't say it's not at least entertaining. We're all keen to see whether they can make it work and start climbing the Premier League standings.

If you want to watch Bournemouth vs. Chelsea in the Premier League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Bournemouth vs. Chelsea?

Bournemouth vs. Chelsea in the Premier League kicks off at 8 p.m. BST on Sept. 14. This fixture takes place at the Vitality Stadium.

How to watch Bournemouth vs. Chelsea for free

Bournemouth vs. Chelsea is available to live stream for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo.

Fubo offers coverage of all 380 matches of the 2024-25 Premier League season in Canada, but anyone can access this package with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Canada, meaning you can unblock free live streams of the Premier League from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the 2024-25 Premier League by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Canada

  4. Sign up for a seven-day free trial of Fubo

  5. Watch Bournemouth vs. Chelsea for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Bournemouth vs. Chelsea in the Premier League without committing with your cash. This isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream this weekend's Premier League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the Premier League?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Canada

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Bournemouth vs. Chelsea in the Premier League for free with ExpressVPN.

How to watch Manchester City vs. Brentford online for free

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 00:10

TL;DR: Live stream Manchester City vs. Brentford in the Premier League for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo. Access Fubo from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Fresh from winning another Premier League title last season, Manchester City have started the new campaign very strongly. Brentford are up next for the champions, hoping to be the first team to take a point from Guardiola's team.

If you want to watch Manchester City vs. Brentford in the Premier League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Manchester City vs. Brentford?

Manchester City vs. Brentford in the Premier League kicks off at 3 p.m. BST on Sept. 14. This fixture takes place at the Etihad Stadium.

How to watch Manchester City vs. Brentford for free

Manchester City vs. Brentford is available to live stream for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo.

Fubo offers coverage of all 380 matches of the 2024-25 Premier League season in Canada, but anyone can access this package with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Canada, meaning you can unblock free live streams of the Premier League from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the 2024-25 Premier League by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Canada

  4. Sign up for a seven-day free trial of Fubo

  5. Watch Manchester City vs. Brentford for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Manchester City vs. Brentford in the Premier League without committing with your cash. This isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream this weekend's Premier League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the Premier League?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Canada

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Manchester City vs. Brentford in the Premier League for free with ExpressVPN.

How to watch Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest online for free

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 00:05

TL;DR: Live stream Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest in the Premier League for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo. Access Fubo from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Liverpool have made a strong start to the new Premier League season, but Nottingham Forest will be a difficult test. Forest are unbeaten this season, so won't go down without a fight at Anfield.

If you want to watch Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest in the Premier League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest?

Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest in the Premier League kicks off at 3 p.m. BST on Sept. 14. This fixture takes place at Anfield Stadium.

How to watch Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest for free

Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest is available to live stream for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo.

Fubo offers coverage of all 380 matches of the 2024-25 Premier League season in Canada, but anyone can access this package with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Canada, meaning you can unblock free live streams of the Premier League from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the 2024-25 Premier League by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Canada

  4. Sign up for a seven-day free trial of Fubo

  5. Watch Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest in the Premier League without committing with your cash. This isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream this weekend's Premier League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the Premier League?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Canada

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest in the Premier League for free with ExpressVPN.

Price drop: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional for Windows is now just £26.65

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 00:00

TL;DR: As of Sept. 14, get Microsoft Visual Studio Professional for Windows at the reduced price of £26.65 (reg. £380.25).

For those in the development game, a supportive place to streamline your workflow can always be of use. Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows is an integrated development environment packed with features and tools to help you develop websites, web apps, mobile apps, and more.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Visual Studio offers a place for developers to write code and collaborate. This software was made to do things like use .NET and MAUI to create cross-platform apps.

It offers robust code editing features and productivity tools to help you easily write, debug, and refactor code. From IntelliSense for intelligent code completion to code navigation and refactoring capabilities, Visual Studio allows for a seamless coding experience that can enhance your productivity and efficiency.

Save time and resources with advanced debugging and testing tools to identify and fix issues in your code quickly. With features like live code debugging, performance profiling, and unit testing, you can ensure the reliability of your applications before deployment.

CodeLens gives you insight into your code, which allows you to see important info like changes and tests. This tool will enable you to make informed decisions about your code as you move forward.

You also get the ability to collaborate in real-time, so you can speed up your team's fixes, share codes, and track progress while keeping everyone on the same page.

With extensions and add-ons available from the Visual Studio Marketplace, you can enhance your development environment with additional features, tools, and integrations that align with your objectives.

Get Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows while it's on sale for £26.65 through Sept. 29 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows £26.65 at the Mashable Shop
£380.25 Save £353.60 Get Deal

How to watch Southampton vs. Manchester United online for free

Mashable - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 00:00

TL;DR: Live stream Southampton vs. Manchester United in the Premier League for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo. Access Fubo from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The Premier League is back after a painful international break, with a selection of exciting fixtures that should keep fans entertained all weekend. Everything starts with Southampton vs. Manchester United, as the Red Devils look to bounce back after a very disappointing defeat at the hands of Liverpool.

If you want to watch Southampton vs. Manchester United in the Premier League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Southampton vs. Manchester United?

Southampton vs. Manchester United in the Premier League kicks off at 12:30 p.m. BST on Sept. 14. This fixture takes place at St Mary's Stadium.

How to watch Southampton vs. Manchester United for free

Southampton vs. Manchester United is available to live stream for free with a seven-day trial of Fubo.

Fubo offers coverage of all 380 matches of the 2024-25 Premier League season in Canada, but anyone can access this package with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Canada, meaning you can unblock free live streams of the Premier League from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of the 2024-25 Premier League by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Canada

  4. Sign up for a seven-day free trial of Fubo

  5. Watch Southampton vs. Manchester United for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Southampton vs. Manchester United in the Premier League without committing with your cash. This isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream this weekend's Premier League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for the Premier League?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Canada

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Live stream Southampton vs. Manchester United in the Premier League for free with ExpressVPN.

NYT Strands hints, answers for September 14

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 23:00

If you're reading this, you're looking for a little help playing Strands, the New York Times' elevated word-search game.

Strands requires the player to perform a twist on the classic word search. Words can be made from linked letters — up, down, left, right, or diagonal, but words can also change direction, resulting in quirky shapes and patterns. Every single letter in the grid will be part of an answer. There's always a theme linking every solution, along with the "spangram," a special, word or phrase that sums up that day's theme, and spans the entire grid horizontally or vertically.

SEE ALSO: Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more: Play games on Mashable

By providing an opaque hint and not providing the word list, Strands creates a brain-teasing game that takes a little longer to play than its other games, like Wordle and Connections.

If you're feeling stuck or just don't have 10 or more minutes to figure out today's puzzle, we've got all the NYT Strands hints for today's puzzle you need to progress at your preferred pace.

SEE ALSO: Wordle today: Here's the answer hints for September 14 SEE ALSO: NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for September 14 NYT Strands hint for today’s theme: Elements of Style

These words are available at your nearest department store.

Today’s NYT Strands theme plainly explained

The answers all relate to non-clothing fashion items.

NYT Strands spangram hint: Is it vertical or horizontal?

Today's NYT Strands spangram is veritcal.

NYT Strands spangram answer today

Today's spangram is Accessorizing.

Featured Video For You Strands 101: How to win NYT’s latest word game NYT Strands word list for September 14
  • Jewelry 

  • Glasses

  • Watch

  • Belt

  • Accessorizing

  • Scarf

  • Handbag

Looking for other daily online games? Mashable's Games page has more hints, and if you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now!

Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Strands.

Wordle today: Here's the answer hints for September 14

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 22:00

Oh hey there! If you're here, it must be time for Wordle. As always, we're serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure out today's answer.

If you just want to be told today's word, you can jump to the bottom of this article for September 14's Wordle solution revealed. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

SEE ALSO: Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more: Play games on Mashable Where did Wordle come from?

Originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner, Wordle rapidly spread to become an international phenomenon, with thousands of people around the globe playing every day. Alternate Wordle versions created by fans also sprang up, including battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordle and Quordle that make you guess multiple words at once

Wordle eventually became so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and TikTok creators even livestream themselves playing.

What's the best Wordle starting word?

The best Wordle starting word is the one that speaks to you. But if you prefer to be strategic in your approach, we have a few ideas to help you pick a word that might help you find the solution faster. One tip is to select a word that includes at least two different vowels, plus some common consonants like S, T, R, or N.

What happened to the Wordle archive?

The entire archive of past Wordle puzzles used to be available for anyone to enjoy whenever they felt like it. Unfortunately, it has since been taken down, with the website's creator stating it was done at the request of the New York Times.

Is Wordle getting harder?

It might feel like Wordle is getting harder, but it actually isn't any more difficult than when it first began. You can turn on Wordle's Hard Mode if you're after more of a challenge, though.

SEE ALSO: NYT's The Mini crossword answers for September 14 Here's a subtle hint for today's Wordle answer:

Covering a wide range of subjects.

Does today's Wordle answer have a double letter?

There are no letters that appear twice

Today's Wordle is a 5-letter word that starts with...

Today's Wordle starts with the letter B.

SEE ALSO: Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL. The Wordle answer today is...

Get your last guesses in now, because it's your final chance to solve today's Wordle before we reveal the solution.

Drumroll please!

The solution to today's Wordle is...


Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordle for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Are you also playing NYT Strands? See hints and answers for today's Strands.

Reporting by Chance Townsend, Caitlin Welsh, Sam Haysom, Amanda Yeo, Shannon Connellan, Cecily Mauran, Mike Pearl, and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.

If you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now! Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Wordle.

NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for September 14

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 21:00

Connections is the latest New York Times word game that's captured the public's attention. The game is all about finding the "common threads between words." And just like Wordle, Connections resets after midnight and each new set of words gets trickier and trickier—so we've served up some hints and tips to get you over the hurdle.

If you just want to be told today's puzzle, you can jump to the end of this article for September 14's Connections solution. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

SEE ALSO: Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more: Play games on Mashable What is Connections?

The NYT's latest daily word game has become a social media hit. The Times credits associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu with helping to create the new word game and bringing it to the publications' Games section. Connections can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices and require players to group four words that share something in common.

Tweet may have been deleted

Each puzzle features 16 words and each grouping of words is split into four categories. These sets could comprise of anything from book titles, software, country names, etc. Even though multiple words will seem like they fit together, there's only one correct answer. If a player gets all four words in a set correct, those words are removed from the board. Guess wrong and it counts as a mistake—players get up to four mistakes until the game ends.

Tweet may have been deleted

Players can also rearrange and shuffle the board to make spotting connections easier. Additionally, each group is color-coded with yellow being the easiest, followed by green, blue, and purple. Like Wordle, you can share the results with your friends on social media.

SEE ALSO: NYT's The Mini crossword answers for September 14 Here's a hint for today's Connections categories

Want a hit about the categories without being told the categories? Then give these a try:

  • Yellow: Creating a wine

  • Green: Things to activate a console or machine

  • Blue: Common words placed before another

  • Purple: Types of kings

Featured Video For You Connections: How to play and how to win Here are today's Connections categories

Need a little extra help? Today's connections fall into the following categories:

  • Yellow: Wine Bottle Info

  • Green: Console Inputs

  • Blue: Prefixes

  • Purple: ___King

Looking for Wordle today? Here's the answer to today's Wordle.

Ready for the answers? This is your last chance to turn back and solve today's puzzle before we reveal the solutions.

Drumroll, please!

The solution to today's Connections #461 is...

What is the answer to Connections today

  • Console Inputs: BUTTON, KNOB, SLIDER, SWITCH

  • Prefixes: PRO, RETRO, SUB, SUPER


Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be new Connections for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Are you also playing NYT Strands? See hints and answers for today's Strands.

If you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now! Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Connections.

X still banned after Brazil takes $3.3 million fine from Musk companies

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 16:30

Elon Musk's X is still banned in Brazil, even after the country withdrew $3.3 million from both X's and SpaceX-affiliated Starlink's bank accounts in order to pay off fines. 

These fines are a result of Musk's non-compliance with Brazil's Supreme Court, as the X owner feuds with Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes over content on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

SEE ALSO: Bluesky adds videos to the platform to take on Elon Musk's X

News spread on social media on Friday that Musk's companies had paid the $3.3 million fine and, as a result, the Brazilian court had ordered that the "blockage" on Starlink and X be lifted. The initial reports caused some confusion among social media users as only Brazil's blockage of Starlink's and X's bank accounts had been lifted. According to Bloomberg, the nationwide ban on X the social media platform, remains.

In addition, Musk's companies did not actively pay the fine. On Wednesday, Brazil's court ordered that these funds be transferred in order to satisfy the demand for fines.

Last month, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered that X the platform be banned in the country. This came after Musk refused to remove accounts that Moraes' deemed to be breaking the country's laws. As a result of this request, Musk pulled X representatives out of the country and refused to appoint a new legal representative, one of Moraes' requirements.

From Grindr to Scruff: The best dating apps for gay, bi, and queer men in 2024

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 15:58

Online dating has its share of horror stories. It's also a rite of passage dating back to the Craigslist m4m era. It's a high risk, high reward activity.

But if you're a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the horror stories look a little different. For gay men, online dating can present a unique set of challenges which can sour the experience. Ghosting and catfishing are still common, but you might also find people asking unnecessary questions about your past, straight guys who shouldn't be in your feed, and even some not-so-subtle fetishization. Not exactly the butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling we're all after, right?

Yet, despite the BS, the best gay dating apps have helped millions of men make meaningful connections.

SEE ALSO: I got stood up. I refuse to let dating app culture break my spirit.

According to the Pew Research Center, about one-quarter of LGBTQ+ adults say they met their match through online dating. The problem? Not all dating apps are created equal, especially for the LGBTQ+ community.

What is the best gay dating app right now?

We can't talk about the gay dating scene in the 21st century without talking about Grindr, the undisputed king of gay dating mobile apps. However, there are a lot of other options, especially if you want to foster real connections.

"Grindr is a tried and true app that many queer men gravitate toward to find partners or for relationships that require lesser commitment, so it’s easy to point to it as the #1 app," Michelle Herzog, LMFT, AASECT-certified sex therapist, tells Mashable. "However, like Tinder, it’s gained a reputation as a hookup app — but that doesn’t mean there still aren’t men looking for long-term commitments, either."

Other popular dating apps have a lot to offer, and that's where you'll find the most queer users. Keeping Tinder on the back burner isn't just a straight people thing (especially for guys in less-populated areas where apps like Scruff offer slim pickings). Plus, mainstream apps deserve credit for trying to create a more inclusive atmosphere. OkCupid gets kudos for embracing change and making inclusivity a core part of its compatibility scoring. You can also try niche gay dating sites if you tend to like a certain type of man, but in general, the more popular apps offer the greatest chance of success — it's a numbers game.

Whether you're looking for something serious, a hookup, something that stays strictly online, or an altogether different definition of connection, there's an ideal queer dating app out there for you. So, here's a breakdown of the best dating apps for gay men to help you find your perfect match.

FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Files Appeal to Overturn Fraud Conviction

NYT Technology - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 15:27
Mr. Bankman-Fried, the founder of the collapsed FTX cryptocurrency exchange, was convicted last fall and is serving a 25-year sentence in prison.

The best dating apps for women to fall in love, find a plus one, or end a dry spell in 2024

Mashable - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 15:22

Being a woman on the internet is hard. Being a woman trying to find a genuine connection on the internet is even harder. And when that internet is littered with emboldened creeps and AI profiles that pique more curiosity than the real ones, apparently, applying to be on Love Island may start to seem like a sane alternative.

That said, meeting someone great online isn't impossible. With a bit of common sense, a personalized list of dating non-negotiables, and a game plan (for which we've set some guidelines below), there's no need to rule dating apps out as a place to find romance, a wedding date, or an animate alternative to your sex toy collection.

SEE ALSO: What do we owe our online dating matches? So, which dating app is best for women?

Circling back to that common sense we just mentioned — there's no hard and fast answer singling out a single dating app as the one every woman will love. We can, however, provide recommendations based on your ideal entanglement situation: Don't want men to be able to message you first? Bumble. Don't want any cishet men to infiltrate your queer dating pool at all? HER. Simply want a less gamified feel than Tinder — or a free ride to the airport? Hinge.

But really, we know online dating is exhausting — so we've done the hands-on work to find dating apps that go beyond superficial swiping and generic profiles. Of course, if you are looking for superficial swiping, we have some options for that, too. Based on our personal experience looking for love, lust, and friendship online, here are the best dating apps for women in any situation:


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