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The best dating sites and apps for serious relationships

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:09

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Most seasoned singles know that dating culture can be broken up into hookup culture and something much more serious. Most online dating sites are a mix of both, and after living with online dating as an increasingly ubiquitous option for the past 20 years, the general public tends to see dating sites as a normal means of finding casual dates or a hookup.

But what if you're looking for a serious relationship that lasts? What if you just don't want to be alone on Valentine's Day ever again? What if you're over casual dating and just want someone consistent to hang out with? What if you have no idea where to start? Big names like match and eharmony likely come to mind, but they're not interchangeable — nor are they your only options.

Can you find something serious with someone online?

The long-term potential of online dating is still met with a cloud of doubt. However, new evidence is proving that relationships that started online might have a stronger foundation than those that started offline. A 2017 study cited in the MIT Technology Review found that people who meet online are more likely to be compatible and have a higher chance of a healthy marriage if they decide to get hitched. If marriage is your goal, you'll be glad to know that another more recent study found that heterosexual couples who met online were quicker to tie the knot than couples who met offline. Either way, online dating seems to be a good recipe for a satisfying, long-term relationship whether it involves marriage or not.

No one is saying that online dating is the variable that changes everything, but the research does point to the fact that people who sign up for dating sites that require thoughtful responses are more ready to settle down. Plus, an uptick in dating app sign-ups — due to sheer boredom or the forced realisation that it'd actually be pretty nice to spoon on a nightly basis — mathematically upped your chances of meeting someone special.

SEE ALSO: The best dating sites and apps for women

It's important to note that Covid has changed dating forever. Communication skills were forced to evolve in the year that most human connection was facilitated through a screen. People learned to voice their boundaries and have serious talks (like about social distancing) early on. Coronavirus anxiety became a natural conversation starter and universal way to bond. More single people may now be more comfortable with delving into deeper subjects with someone they met online — a great thing for serious relationship hunters, if true. Tinder thinks the honesty will carry over when things are back to normal, and hopefully the aggressively horny people will continue to weed themselves out. At the very least, isolation may have simply forced more people to realise that they do, in fact, crave more company than a booty call. Tinder says that more daters are open to "seeing where things go" than they were before the pandemic.

We should also remember what we learned while dating in the era of social distancing: You're never required to meet up with a match in person immediately. Someone's willingness to date you via texting or FaceTime is a pretty clear sign that they're genuinely interested in learning more about you. Even if and when social distancing isn't as believable of an excuse as it was at the start of the pandemic, someone who pressures you to hang out before you're ready probably isn't long-term material.

Divorcees and single parents have particularly high untapped potential on online dating sites, too. True, being in the over-60 group may mean that more people your age are already off the market — but online dating can prove that the mature dating pool isn't as bleak as you think, even if your local one is. People over 50 actually have an advantage over the younger crowd: Many people in their 20s and 30s just aren't ready to settle down. Developing a crush on someone is more likely to end with an awkward "situation-ship" rather than something serious. Most older folks have been figuring this whole "love" thing out for longer than millennials have been alive. With life experience and possible previous marriages under your belt, you know the red flags and you know what you want. If you want commitment, a site with a high barrier to entry — like eharmony, match, or Elite Singles — could help to weed out people who aren't about to pay a high monthly price just to mess around. 

What makes a dating site good for serious relationships?

Do we even need to get into why Tinder is a long shot? Is being introduced to nearly every person in a 10-mile radius worth the cliché bios or how they're "not looking for commitment?" Sure, Tinder has its fair share of those lucky success stories, but it's also the dating app where ghosting, breadcrumbing, and every other disheartening dating trend flourish.

Singles looking for something serious might get frustrated with sites that only give a limited number of matches per day. But choosing sites that force you to be selective really heightens the focus on what you're truly looking for in a perfect match — and gets you closer to cuffing status

For online daters who want the power to peruse the dating pool, you need to seek out detailed, high-energy profiles that give a well-rounded idea of who you're messaging. Swiping is guided by the compatibility ranking that most sites offer, which predicts how well you'll get along with other daters based on how you both answered questions. Plus, you can tell how much other daters care about the process by how much effort they put into their profile. If a single sentence about being drama free is the extent of someone's bio, you can assume that they're not taking this seriously and that they almost definitely create drama.

What should you include on your dating profile?

On its face, it makes sense to question the legitimacy of a connection with someone who is only showcasing their best self. But how much more information are you really getting from the tipsy person hitting on you at the bar aside from what they look like in reality? The dating sites that let users express themselves with prompts — from favourite movies to where you want to retire — are setting you up for success by avoiding an unnecessary argument six months in.

The best way to attract genuine people? Be authentic yourself. That's easier said than done when your biggest worry is that a truthful answer — like the fact that you might not be as good of a communicator as you would like — will deter "the one" from swiping right. But deep down, you know that lying on a compatibility questionnaire probably won't lead to a healthy relationship. It's crucial to remind yourself that people who get freaked out by your honesty aren't ideal potential partners, anyway. We've left out the dating sites that get torn apart in reviews for being ravaged by scammers and fake profiles, but asking to video chat before meeting up in real life is a smart way to confirm that the photos match the person behind them.

What is the best dating site for finding a serious relationship?

There are dating sites for hooking up, dating sites for women, dating sites for men, dating sites for satisfying every kink, and everything in between. What we're saying is that there are a lot of options out there, so we've tried to make your life that little bit easier by shortlisting the best options for finding someone who's in it for the long haul.

We've lined up a selection of top dating apps and sites, including big names like eharmony and Match. We recommend taking your time and properly considering all of your options, and then picking a favourite. Then you'll need to actually start dating, but we'll leave that to you.

These are the best dating sites for finding a serious relationship in 2024.

The best dating sites to help you find a connection

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:09

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

If you've dated in the past 20 years, it's almost certain that you've encountered a dating site or app. You might have even encountered a few of them (no judgement here). As our lives have moved online in recent years, digital dating has allowed us more freedom to meet others how we choose.

The only real issue with online dating is that there are a lot of sites and apps out there to consider. With so many options, it can be really tricky knowing where to find the best crop of potential partners. Each of the dating apps on offer has a selection of features that will matter differently to you depending on your lifestyle, what you want, and what's most important to you. It's simply a case of finding something that works for you. This is where we can help.

What should you include on your dating profile?

In many cases, the amount of information you can get from detailed profiles is more than what would be covered in the "traditional" period of getting to know someone. The whole "do you want to have babies" thing is a huge piece of information that could decide your future with someone, but it's very possible that such a weighty subject won't be brought up until you've caught feelings or met their parents.

However, many dating sites ask about kids — whether you want them or already have them — during the sign-up process (as well as other potentially-awkward questions), and probably won't match you with someone who has different goals than you do. Similarly, some of OkCupid's matching is rooted in political and social justice views. Will you find out if someone opposes vaccinations on the first date? Probably not, but OkCupid won't send you to get a beer with someone you'd start a fight with on Facebook.

SEE ALSO: How to start dating again after a break

Plus, it's always nice when your current booty call doesn't suck as a person. Even if you're just in it for something frisky and fleeting, the personality you can gather from a simple bio might let you know who's worthy of your time — even if that time is strictly within "You up?" hours.

Julie Spira, dating expert and CEO of cyberdatingexpert.com, says it wasn't always so easy to meet people online. She would know — she's been helping clients find love online since 1994.

"People didn’t have mobile phones and laptops, and the process was people would go home, log on slowly, see who had written to them and write back," she says. "The courtship process was a lot slower, so it took quite a while to get from the first interaction to actually going on a date. Plus in those days, there was a stigma associated with online dating. You did not tell people you met your spouse, or partner, or even a date online."

The rhetoric has clearly come a long way since then, and the digital dating landscape has evolved with people's changing needs. OkCupid realised that the way a potential match votes matters romantically to a lot of people. Women were tired of men blowing up their messages with creepy first-liners, so Bumble came along. "Tindering" is now a verb, but it's far from your only option.

Do you really need to use dating sites?

If you're lucky, you'll find a perfect match right away, but that's not usually how it works out. While you do know more about online matches than you would a stranger you met in person, there's only so much a quick dating profile can tell you.

Dating sites and apps can make finding a compatible potential partner easier, but it's still dating. Not everyone is going to be a gem. While apps like Bumble let you display what kind of relationship you're looking for, others don't, so you might end up going out with someone only to realise you're not looking for the same thing.

That said, there will be people on dating sites who are looking for the same thing as you. And using a dating app to find them is a hell of a lot easier than going up to strangers on the street or in bars and asking if they're looking for a relationship. Apps and dating websites expand your dating pool and allow you to meet people with similar interests you might not run into naturally in your everyday life. You just might need a little patience to find The One.

We haven't reached full AI-based or gene matchmaking just yet, but many modern features facilitating more meaningful matches (or quicker, safer hookups) have sprung up even in the past five years.

What is the best dating site?

Whether you're looking for something specific or a site that ticks every box, we have produced a handy guide that gives you all of the essential details. To ensure that you find a date in time for the weekend, we have tracked down a selection of the best dating sites for everyone, including popular sites like Match, eharmony, and EliteSingles.

All you need to do is check out these dating apps and pick a favourite from the bunch. Once you've made your decision, you just need to get out there and actually date someone. Good luck out there.

These are the best dating sites for finding a connection in 2024.

The best VPN according to Reddit

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:08

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Would you be chill if someone leaked your entire search history to the government? How about if your internet provider made it so that one episode of The Office took an hour to load? If you've had a crisis about anything like this, you've probably considered investing in a VPN.

We know you've probably seen absolutely loads of VPN reviews from experts across the board, but if you wanted a raw opinion — or thousands of them — from people with absolutely no filter, there's only one place to go: Reddit.

You know it makes sense.

What is a VPN?

The bottom line is simple: People don't want other people watching what they're doing online, even if they're not doing anything wrong.

A VPN (virtual private network) is an internet security subscription that basically allows you to make up your own internet rules. It acts as a bodyguard between you and your internet service provider (and hackers, and other third-party weirdos) by hollowing out a personal security tunnel through which you perform all of your internet activities. A VPN's job is to plug the holes that could be making your data vulnerable to nefarious eyeballs, like creeps scouring public WiFi networks for personal information that could be used to steal your identity. VPNs are as wise of a precaution as antivirus software or a password manager (yes, this applies to Macs too). 

Hackers love free WiFi for the same reason you do: Connecting to the internet requires no authentication. That network is littered with unsecured devices, many times belonging to working professionals with bank accounts and business credentials that have phishers frothing at the mouth. Often, the easiest thing for hackers to do is slide in between your device and the connection point. This Man-in-the-Middle situation is like eavesdropping, but on emails, credit card info, and work logins. Other hackers users public WiFi to unleash malware to all of the suckers using the network without protection.

Many people avoid the public WiFi risk by recruiting their phone's hotspot. But on the flip side, data limits might be an issue — setting up a situation where both a laptop and phone need VPN protection. Many Reddit users suggest using something like EasyTether to share the VPN connection. Just download and enable a proxy app on your phone, configure it on your laptop, and you can enjoy a sort of reverse hotspot VPN-style.

Can you access streaming content with a VPN?

The convenience factor also plays a big role. VPNs also provide a way for people to get around internet roadblocks and censors. These can be location-based or around blocks to certain websites set by, say, your workplace.

All decent VPNs offer a wide selection of servers based in multiple geographic locations. Picking one of those essentially tricks your ISP into thinking your device is based there, maneuvering around geoblocks and opening the door to international content, like another country's Netflix or Prime Video library.

What do Redditors think you should look for in a VPN?

The specs that Reddit users care about in a VPN are easy to tally when the same ones pop up in countless subreddits throughout the year. These are the ones that were mentioned the most: 

  • App compatibility — Not all VPNs run equally smoothly on every device. Before you sign up, make sure that the VPN app doesn't have major bugs on your operating system. For instance, some mobile VPN apps don't play as well on iPhone as Android, or an app might keep getting killed depending on other apps sucking your phone's battery.

  • Jurisdiction — The country in which a VPN is originally based will dictate the privacy laws that a VPN has to follow. Some places are nosier than others, mostly depending on their membership in an intelligence-sharing alliance (or not): The Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes are all but guaranteed to come up in any subreddit about a certain VPN's privacy policy. Countries in these groups have agreements related to third-party sharing and may be following strict data retention laws, depending on their legal jurisdiction. For instance, a VPN can be based in the U.S. but have an office in Switzerland and follow Swiss legal obligations in order to avoid loopholes that make user data vulnerable.

  • Kill switch — This cuts your connection to the internet if a secure connection to your VPN drops without notice. This is less likely on a high-quality VPN with a hefty roster of servers that can balance the traffic of millions of users, but far from impossible. By default, your device will switch back to your personal IP address or, worse, a public one. The speedy end-all action performed by a kill switch essentially ensures that you aren't unknowingly operating on a weak IP address. Some kill switches operate in the form of a firewall.

  • No DNS leaking — This is a good test of a VPN's trustworthiness. Think of a DNS (Domain Name Service) as the internet's phonebook: It's the service that transfers host names for humans to understand (like Mashable.com) to IP addresses for computers to understand. A leaked DNS essentially blabs your browsing history to whoever's watching on the other end — thus totally defeating the purpose of a VPN. 

  • Split tunnelling — VPNs that support split tunnelling let you route some of your traffic through the encrypted VPN tunnel while bouncing other traffic over the internet directly. One might choose to separate less demanding but high-security activities like web browsing from high-bandwidth but low-security activities like streaming or playing video games. Advantages include reduced traffic on corporate networks, better speeds and reduced latency for the chosen tasks, and more customised privacy. If you're looking to tunnel to specific apps, look for an SSL VPN. 

  • Streaming dependability — Lots of people want a VPN solely to watch content from other countries, so a VPN's ability to bypass geoblocks and get around a streaming site's VPN blocks is crucial. The speed at which that content streams matters, too (a fast VPN should be able to upscale to HD without lag). Connection speed and location spoofing are dependent on the number of servers and where they're located — more servers means less people hogging a single server's capacity, and various locations means more streaming libraries from around the world. Free VPNs typically don't have the funds to support a robust menu of servers. For obvious reasons, most big streaming services aren't happy about the idea of VPN usage and will probably mention it in their terms and conditions. If they happen to sniff out your VPN-ridden IP address, you're not necessarily in trouble. The most likely repercussions would be the inability to access the streaming platform (even if it just worked the day before), but there have been instances of steaming services terminating subscriptions associated with spoofing.

Keep these points in mind when shopping around for a VPN.

Should you use free VPNs?

Reddit users will let you know that comparing free VPNs to paid VPNs just doesn't make sense. It's like comparing apples to oranges, and you'll almost definitely be skimping on some crucial features by opting out of paying. Proof isn't always provided, but many Redditors are convinced that free VPNs don't follow a true no-log policy or sell your data to third parties. "Free" is sometimes synonymous with "slow" due to fewer servers in fewer locations.

The general consensus seems to be to only use a free VPN to test the waters, then cough up the credit card info. Most times, this can be done through a trusted paid VPN that has a free tier to experiment with, or via a free trial, which many services offer. However, free VPNs can step up to the job for more temporary endeavors — like having access to your home country's streaming services while going abroad for a semester or keeping up with a certain sport for a season. Because paid VPNs only really get affordable when a one or two-year subscription is met, it may not make sense to pay £10 per month for the few months that you need a VPN.

What is the best VPN according to Reddit?

There are a lot of VPN providers out there offering similar packages and sets of features, so it's difficult to pick a favourite. We've tried to help you make an informed decision by picking the brains of well-informed Redditors.

We actually dug through Reddit threads of users discussing their experiences with VPNs, and lined up a selection of the best services based on those conversations. This list includes popular services like ExpressVPN, CyberGhost VPN, and NordVPN.

These are the best VPNs according to Reddit in 2024.

Apple AirPods 4 vs. AirPods 3: What's the difference?

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:05

Apple's iPhone 16 may have headlined Sept. 9's "Glowtime" event, but the introduction of the next generation of AirPods is where things got interesting. AirPods 4 arrives in the standard model and an Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) edition, a first for Apple’s entry-level earbuds.

SEE ALSO: iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. iPhone 15 Pro Max: What are the differences?

ANC, coupled with a refreshed design and a host of other features, marks a significant shift for the AirPods lineup. But the real question is: Should you upgrade from the 3rd-gen model to the 4th-gen? We've broken down the key changes to help you decide.

Apple AirPods 4 vs AirPods 3: Price

Apple's 4th-gen AirPods are set to launch on Friday, Sept. 20. Pricing starts at $129 for the regular version and $179 for the Active Noise Cancellation model. At its $129 price point, the former makes an affordable entry-level earbud over competitors like the Bose Ultra Open or the Samsung Galaxy Buds 3.

This price undercuts last year's AirPods 3, which debuted at $179.

Typically, Apple reduces the price of previous-gen products when newer versions are released. However, no such discount for the 3rd-gen AirPods has appeared on Apple’s official site yet. That said, you can find used or refurbished 3rd-gen models available from retailers like Amazon and Best Buy, priced between $155 and $169.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple AirPods (4th-gen) $129.99 at Best Buy
Pre-Order Here Apple AirPods 4 vs AirPods 3: Design

The AirPods 4 are touted as Apple’s "most comfortable design yet," thanks to extensive research on ear shapes. Design-wise, they follow their predecessor with shorter stems and skip the silicone ear tips, leaving fit up to individual ear shapes.

Both models still lack on-bud volume controls, a common user complaint, but the AirPods 4 take functionality a step further with Active Noise Cancellation and Adaptive Audio, features not available in the 3rd-gen model.

Apple AirPods 4 vs AirPods 3: Features and Sound

The design of the AirPods 4 brings notable improvements, debuting two models for the first time. The standout feature is Active Noise Cancellation, powered by Apple's H2 chip. Additionally, the new AirPods introduce Adaptive Audio, which dynamically reduces background noise based on your surroundings, and Conversation Awareness, which adjusts volume when the earbuds detect you're near someone speaking on a call.

A new Siri interaction allows users to answer calls with a simple nod or shake of the head, bypassing the need for voice commands.

SEE ALSO: I just took the new hearing test with AirPods Pro — and it hurt my feelings

While AirPods 3 lacks these new features, the overall differences between the two generations aren’t substantial beyond ANC and some external audio enhancements. Both models feature USB-C charging cases, offer over 30 hours of battery life, and support Spatial Audio, though neither supports lossless audio on Apple Music. Both also have Audio Sharing and auto-pause functionality when removed from the ear.

Sound quality is up in the air for the AirPods 4 as they haven't been released yet, but Apple claims that they are the "best-sounding AirPods ever." However, based on Mashable's Alex Perry's review of the AirPods 3, these buds already have the best sound quality in the game, so expect the 4th-gen to be no different.

When Self-Driving Cars Don’t Actually Drive Themselves

NYT Technology - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:03
An immersive article shows readers what a New York Times reporter has tracked for nearly a decade: Robot taxis still need human help.

AI could help save a threatened language by adding it to your phone

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:03
Ukrainian AI company Respeecher is helping preserve the endangered Crimean Tatar language by integrating it into everyday tech.

'Should I upgrade to iPhone 16?’ Only do it if you fall into these 5 categories

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

Apple just dropped the iPhone 16 at the Sept. 9 "Glowtime" event on Monday — and curious consumers are asking, "Should I upgrade?"

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends. While the iPhone 16 lineup — which includes the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max — got unveiled with a handful of new features, the question is, do they benefit you?

I'm going to break down five categories of consumers who will gain the most advantage from upgrading for both the entry-level iPhone 16 variants and iPhone 16 Pro models.

This way, you can determine if you should make the purchase plunge — or wait until the iPhone 17.

SEE ALSO: iPhone 17: 3 credible rumors that may convince you to skip iPhone 16 iPhone owners with XS and older

Before I dive into the niches that will benefit from an iPhone 16 upgrade, it's important to note that the new iOS 18 update will officially roll out to iPhone users on Sept. 16.

iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max Credit: Mashable

However, this new update isn't rolling out to everyone. That said, if you have anything older than iPhone XR, including iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, iPhone X, and iPhone 8, and more, you'd be better off upgrading — Apple's new updates will no longer support your phone moving forward.

If you have the original iPhone SE, you should consider upgrading, too. It will not be supported by iOS 18.

Credit: Mashable

Having a phone that supports regular iOS updates means that your device remains protected from security vulnerabilities — and you'll get the latest-and-greatest software features Apple has to offer. Plus, if you have an iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max or newer, you can benefit from Apple Intelligence, the company's new suite of AI features.

Want to know what you'd be missing with the next major update? Check out some of the wildest features coming out of iOS 18.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus: Should you upgrade?

Now that we got that out of the way, let's dive into which consumers will benefit from upgrading the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus.

You love the idea of an intuitive button that gives you easy access to camera features

The entry-level models in the new iPhone 16 lineup are arguably the most attractive they've ever been in years. Apple typically reserves a lot of the fun new features for the upper-tier models.

Zoom in with the iPhone 16's new Camera Control feature Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

For example, last year, with the iPhone 15 series, only the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models got the cool new "Action Button," a customizable side button that lets you assign apps and other features to it so you can conveniently launch them.

Credit: Apple

For the iPhone 16, Apple debuted the new Camera Control button. But this time, Apple didn't make this cool new perk exclusive to the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max models. You can find it across all iPhone 16 models.

The new Camera Control not only provides instant access to picture taking and video capture, but it lets you quickly do things like zooming in, swapping to the ultrawide lens, changing Photographic Styles, and more, with simple gestures. (To learn more about Camera Control, check out our hands-on experience with it.)

You want that 'Action Button'

As mentioned, only 2023's iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max had the Action Button, but now you can find it on the iPhone 16.

iPhone 16 Action Button Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

You can assign one of your favorite apps, whether its Gmail, Calendar, Slack, Instagram, or TikTok, to the Action Button, allowing you to access it with just a press of a button.

You want a more durable display

The updated Ceramic Shield on the new iPhone 16 models is, according to Apple, 50% tougher than the original variant that debuted on the iPhone 12. Plus, the company claims that the new-generation Ceramic Shield has twice the durability of other smartphone glass displays.

iPhone 16 in Teal Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

So if you have a cracked screen, and you tend to have butterfingers, consider upgrading to the iPhone 16. You'll get a brand new, uncracked screen — and it should be more resistant to your clumsiness (within reason, of course.)

You're getting 'FOMO' on AI features

Apple announced Apple Intelligence for the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, but the entire iPhone 16 lineup is getting Apple Intelligence, too.

Credit: Apple

Enjoy perks like creating your own AI-created emoji with a text prompt, a new-and-improved Siri, summarized notifications, the Clean Up tool, and more.

You love bold, vivid colors

It looks like Apple finally heard our feedback to quit all the pastel-esque, subtle colorways for the iPhone. (Mashable's Elizabeth de Luna begged Apple to roll out a deep pink color, and it looks like she got her wish.)

iPhone 16 in Pink colorway Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

The iPhone 16 comes in Ultramarine, Teal, and Pink, and as someone who has seen these colors in person, they're as gorgeous as they sound.

iPhone 16 in Ultramarine colorway Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

The iPhone 16 also comes in White and Black; perfect for those who like their phone colors as exciting as a tax form. (And yes, that was sarcasm.)

iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max: Should you upgrade?

With the iPhone 16 Pro models, you get all the aforementioned features, as well as some updated camera features (i.e., new 48MP ultrawide sensor), improved studio-quality mics, and more.

In my opinion, the iPhone 16 Pro models are a tougher sell for Apple. Why? The audiences that will benefit from the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are more niche.

You want a mega display

The iPhone 16 Pro Max has a whopping 6.9-inch display. For reference, I know of tablets that have 7-inch screens. (Hence why I jokingly called the iPhone 16 Pro Max a phablet in my hands-on).

Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

You may be thinking, "If the iPhone 16 Pro Max's display is nearly 7 inches big, will it feel awkward in my hands?" The answer is no. I clutched the iPhone 16 Pro Max around my fingers and it felt natural and ergonomic, settling into the contours of my hand with ease.

It also has ultra-thin bezels, giving you more screen real estate than ever.

You want super long battery life

If a long battery runtime is one of the biggest selling points for you, you'll likely get some satisfaction with the iPhone 16 Pro Max.

Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

According to Apple, the iPhone 16 Pro Max has the longest battery life ever seen on an iPhone. (But of course, we'll have to test these claims to know for sure.)

For reference, the iPhone 15 Pro Max lasted nearly 15 hours when we tested it in-house. This phone was the battery life champ for months — until the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL knocked it off its throne.

You're an on-the-go content creator

The content creator space (e.g., YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram) is competitive. If your videos aren't sharp, it'll be difficult to build an audience. As such, you'll benefit from the fact that the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max can now shoot 4K videos at 120Hz.

Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

This means that you'll get higher-quality videos that appear smoother and zippier to your followers. Plus, editing your videos to get that cool slow-mo effect is easier than ever on the Pro models.

You record videos in loud environments

Let's say you record a video and there's too much going on in the background: wind, side conversations, and the rustling of leaves.

Audio Mix on iPhone 16 Pro models Credit: Apple

The iPhone 16 Pro models are capable of reducing unwanted noise, thanks to an easy-to-use slider lets you turn down the background cacophony to your liking.

You love to play around with music

In the Voice Memos app, if you have an existing recording, you can layer another track on top of it.

New Voice Memos feature on iPhone 16 Pro models Credit: Apple

For example, if you want to sing on top of a previously recorded beat, you can do that by simply adding another layer and hitting record.

The iPhone 16 entry-level models start at $799. The iPhone 16 Pro variants start at $999.

Opens in a new window Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable iPhone 16 Pro $998.98
Get Deal Opens in a new window Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable iPhone 16 $799.00
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iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra: What are the differences?

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

This iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra showdown is for OS agnostic users who don't care whether they have an iOS device or an Android.

They just want a darn-good phone.

The iPhone 16 Pro Max, in particular, warrants comparison to the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra because these are both the biggest and most expensive (non-foldable) flagships that Apple and Samsung make. Both phones have the same starting price and similarities across the board regarding specs and features, but two very divergent mobile operating systems and a couple other bells and whistles make for some pretty big differences, too.

Here's how the iPhone 16 Pro Max compares to the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra price and specs That purple is nice. Credit: Kimberly Gedeon/Mashable

The iPhone 16 Pro Max starts at $1,199 and comes with the following specs:

  • Apple A18 Pro chip

  • 6.9-inch display

  • Adaptive refresh rate up to 120Hz

  • 256GB starting storage

  • 8GB of RAM

Samsung customers, on the other hand, must shell out $1,299, as of this writing. (Its MSRP is $1,419.99.)

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip

  • 6.8-inch display

  • Adaptive refresh rate up to 120Hz

  • 256GB starting storage

  • 12GB RAM

Comparing the chipsets powering these two devices is difficult right now because Samsung went with a third-party Qualcomm chip and Apple went with in-house silicon, as it has for the past few years. It's also difficult because the iPhone 16 Pro Max isn't out yet, so we can't say which phone performs better right now.

Both phones also go up to 512GB or 1TB of storage, for an increased price, of course. We'll get into more granular display differences in a moment. But when it comes to size and refresh rate, it's basically a wash between these two phones. Apple's is 0.1-inches bigger, but they're both huge.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max $1,199.00
Get Deal Opens in a new window Credit: Kimberly Gedeon/Mashable Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Get Deal iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra display and design

The iPhone 16 Pro Max comes in four colors: Black Titanium, White Titanium, Natural Titanium, and Desert Titanium.

It's a minimalist set of colors, especially considering the fact that the entry-level iPhone 16 comes in bolder colors (e.g., pink, teal, and more). The Galaxy S24 Ultra beats the iPhone 16 Pro Max handily in terms of colors, coming in Titanium Grey, Titanium Black, Titanium Violet, and Titanium Yellow. Purple and Yellow beat grey and beige any day.

Boring. Credit: Apple

Aside from that, these two phones look about how you'd expect. Samsung positions its rear camera lenses vertically without a bump, while Apple is still using the same bump with a diagonal pattern for the lenses that it used a year ago.

Really, the colors are the big thing here. Go with your gut.

I've already covered that these two phones have almost the same size of display with the same refresh rate, Samsung beats Apple in one major area: peak brightness. Outdoors, the iPhone 16 Pro Max peaks at 2,000 nits, while the Galaxy S24 Ultra peaks at 2,600 nits. Both phones should be perfectly usable outside, but Samsung is just a bit brighter here.

iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra features Styluses are cool! Credit: Kimberly Gedeon/Mashable

On an OS level, the iPhone 16 Pro Max can do everything inherent to iOS, and the Galaxy S24 Ultra can do everything inherent to Android. These are new phones with new chips and you shouldn't be locked out of anything.

Instead, it's worth looking at AI because that's what every big phone company is leaning on this year. Apple and Samsung have their own suites of AI features, called Apple Intelligence and Galaxy AI, respectively. There isn't exact feature parity between the two, but there are some similarities. Both phones can use AI for speech translation, visual searches, and making edits on text messages or emails.

Samsung has a bit more going on photographically, with a Photoshop-like image editor that uses AI included in the Galaxy S24 Ultra, as well as the ability to turn selfies into cartoon portraits. But Apple, sooner than later, is set to offer features like a text prompt-based image generator and the ability to create custom emoji using AI.

Probably the most major difference between these two phones is Samsung's inclusion of the S Pen stylus with every S24 Ultra. The phone supports the stylus for all sorts of features (or just general daily phone usage), and you can conveniently hide the stylus in a slot on the phone itself. Maybe you don't need that, but for the people who do, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is probably the way to go.

iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra: Cameras

It's not possible to do deep and direct photo comparisons between these two phones because we don't have an iPhone 16 Pro Max in our hands yet. However, we can at least look at the specs. Here's what you get from the iPhone 16 Pro Max:

  • 48MP wide lens

  • 48MP ultrawide lens

  • 12MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom

  • 12MP selfie lens

And here's what Samsung packed into the Galaxy S24 Ultra:

  • 200MP wide lens

  • 50MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom

  • 12MP ultra-wide lens

  • 12MP selfie lens

As you can see, the specs are very similar with the exception of the main lenses, which have a pretty sizable gap in megapixel counts between the two of them. That said, don't just assume the Galaxy S24 Ultra's camera is better than the iPhone 16 Pro Max's just because it has more megapixels. These things often shake out quite differently in practice.

iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra battery life

In Mashable's battery testing, which involves looping a TikTok video on a phone's display until it dies, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra lasted 13 hours and 1 minute.

There's no way of knowing yet how it compares to the iPhone 16 Pro Max, but here's some food for thought: The iPhone 15 Pro Max, last year's model, came in at 14 hours and 53 minutes in the same test. Also, it's also worth noting that Apple claimed that the iPhone 16 Pro Max delivers the longest battery ever on an iPhone.

iPhone 16 Pro Max vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra final thoughts

Without proper and rigorous testing, we can't firmly recommend one of these phones over the other just yet. As always, your preference for iOS or Android is probably what matters the most when making this decision. Are you ashamed of green text bubbles, or do you believe that iPhone owners need to get over it? That's up to you.

These phones both seem pretty good. Credit: Apple

These phones are so similar in terms of basic specs and AI features that OS may, in fact, be the deciding factor. Unless you like styluses, at which point you should definitely get the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

Opens in a new window Credit: Kimberly Gedeon/Mashable Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Get Deal Opens in a new window Credit: Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max $1,199.00
Get Deal

20+ of the best Stanford University courses you can take for free

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: A wide range of free online courses from Stanford University with edX.

edX is a popular online course provider that hosts absolutely loads of online courses from famous schools like Stanford University.

There really is a lot on offer, so it's worth taking some time to properly look around at your options. edX offers online courses on topics like Python, mathematics, computer science, and much more. We have checked out everything on offer and lined up a selection of standout options from Stanford University.

These are the best Stanford University courses you can take for free this month.

These free courses do not include certificates of completion, but that's the only catch. You can still learn at your own pace with unlimited access to all the resources on offer.

Find the best free online courses from Stanford University at edX.

Opens in a new window Credit: Stanford University Stanford University Courses Free at edX Get Deal

Don't @ Me: I hate iPhone Tapbacks

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

I have this friend — let's call him Mike because that's his name — who loves iMessage Tapbacks. You know, those little reaction bubbles that appear when you click on a text on your iPhone. Send a good joke in the group chat, and he'll give a "haha." Ask to meet at a specific time, and he'll respond with a "thumbs up." Send a corny dad joke, and you'll get a "thumbs down" in return.

You get the picture; I hate the picture.

Tapbacks are annoying, and I don't like them. Write a real response! It takes five seconds.

I fully understand this is an "old man yells at cloud" take — this series is called Don't @ Me, after all — but sometimes the grouchy take is the correct one.

Tapbacks, which is how Apple has branded reactions in iMessage, launched with iOS10 in 2016. Even at the time, people were calling it lazy. Those people were correct.

Text messages should be a place for familiarity. It is primarily a place for conversation. Why would we willingly turn it into a workplace-like chat? Or, worse, social media? Do you want your conversation with friends to resemble Instagram, with mindless Likes sprayed about? Do you want it to look like Slack, where you thumbs up your latest assignment?

Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted

Just answer your texts. Write a couple of words. I know I sound like a Boomer complaining that nobody makes phone calls anymore — but seriously, are our lives so busy, our attention so short that we cannot be bothered to do more than a Tapback reaction? If I'm giving you comedy gold in the group chat, I want a hahaha or a lmao or, hell, even a lol.

I understand I am in the minority here. Most people use and like Tapbacks — one coworker at Mashable couldn't comprehend how I'd communicate without them. It's impossible to ignore the fact that they do hold some utility. Thumbs-upping a message like "Dinner's at six" makes sense. But watch any horridly long tech event, and you'll see a long parade of executives touting how efficient their tech will make your life. But a good portion of communication with loved ones happens over tech. I neither need nor want Tapbacks to make those conversations more efficient.

I should tell my buddy, "Sounds great, excited to see you," instead of mindlessly reacting to a text making plans. It's a little thing but a thing that matters. My life doesn't need to be reduced to its finest parts. I don't need to reclaim a minuscule amount of time at the expense of another human being on the other end of my inbox.

Think about it. What feels better: a thumbs up or a "sounds great?" An "omg that's cool" or a heart? A "gahahaha" or a little haha emoji?

SEE ALSO: No one agrees on what iMessage Tapbacks actually mean

Let's also not forget there's still no consensus on how to interpret some Tapbacks. They can easily come off as dismissive, rude, and passive-aggressive. A thumbs up so easily becomes the dreaded "ok." Perhaps some of this confusion will be alleviated with expanded emoji Tapbacks in iOS18.

I'm not saying to remove Tapbacks from your life entirely, though I rarely use them. They have utility for business-like interactions. But we must realize that Tapbacks are an insidious part of a broader movement to make our lives as efficient as possible. And do we need or want that? Do you need to signal to a friend that you're too busy to type five words? That you can't be bothered to have a reaction of your own? You don't need to heart or thumbs-up everything and everyone in your life. Use your words.

Go from amateur to pro with streaming software on sale for $60

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Get a lifetime subscription to XSplit Broadcaster Premium for $59.99 (reg. $200) and unlock advanced tools for streaming and video production.

Opens in a new window Credit: SplitmediaLabs XSplit Broadcaster Premium: Lifetime Subscription (Windows) $59.99
$200.00 Save $140.01 Get Deal

If you’re still using basic streaming software, you may be missing out. Whether you’re live-streaming your gaming sessions, hosting virtual events, or crafting video content for your followers, it’s time to step up your game. You need a tool that not only makes your streams look professional, but also keeps your audience coming back for more.

That’s where XSplit Broadcaster Premium comes in — the secret weapon for turning everyday streams into show-stopping productions. This lifetime Windows version is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to take their streaming game to the next level, and it's on sale for $59.99 (reg. $200).

This isn’t just another app; it’s a complete broadcasting studio packed with features like multi-scene setup, live video mixing, and customizable transitions. You can create polished, high-quality video content that keeps your audience hooked, all from the comfort of your own setup.

You can drag and drop your media, switch scenes instantly, and even stream directly to platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Live with just a few clicks. No complicated setups, no endless tweaking — just straightforward, powerful tools that let you focus on what you do best: creating awesome content.

For just $59.99, you’ll get lifetime access to XSplit Broadcaster Premium for Windows, giving you all the features you need to produce professional-quality streams and videos.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Get past geo-blocks and enjoy global content hassle-free with this 3-year deal

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Get a 3-year Windscribe Pro subscription for $79 through September 29 and enjoy unrestricted browsing from anywhere in the world.

If you’re working remotely or just want to explore content from across the globe, you know how frustrating geo-restrictions can be. Whether it’s accessing work files from abroad or streaming your favorite shows not available in your region, dealing with those barriers can be a hassle. You need a solution that’s not only powerful but also easy to use, so you can focus on what really matters.

Enter Windscribe Pro, your go-to VPN for convenient and flexible browsing. You can get a three-year subscription on sale for $79 until September 29. With its vast network of servers spread across multiple countries, Windscribe Pro lets you bypass geo-restrictions and access content from anywhere.

With servers in over 60 countries, Windscribe Pro lets you bypass those annoying geo-blocks with ease. Whether you’re catching up on a series that’s only available overseas or need secure access to your work files while traveling, Windscribe makes it happen without the fuss.

No complex setups or tech jargon here — just a simple interface that lets you connect to the server you need with one click. And with features like ad-blocking, double hop for extra privacy, and split tunneling, you can customize your experience to fit your needs. It’s all about making your online life easier and more secure.

Whether you're catching up on international news, connecting to global work resources, or simply enjoying a show that’s not available in your area, Windscribe makes it all possible.

Enjoy a seamless, unrestricted browsing experience with this useful tool for anyone who values convenience, security, and the freedom to explore the internet without limits.

Through September 29, get a three-year subscription to Windscribe VPN for $79 (reg. $207).

Still looking? Check out more deals on privacy and security.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Windscribe Windscribe VPN Pro Plan: 3-Yr Subscription $79.00
$207.00 Save $128.00 Get Deal

Give your AI-generated text a human touch with this lifetime deal for $39.99

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 05:00

TL;DR: Upgrade your content quality with a lifetime subscription to Undetectable Humanizer for just $39.99.

Creating content with AI is a game-changer, but let’s be honest — it doesn’t always hit the mark when it comes to sounding natural. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, or student, you’ve probably found yourself tweaking AI-generated text to make it sound more human, more you. It’s a time-consuming process, and not everyone has the time or patience to edit every sentence. For a limited time, you can get lifetime access to an AI content tool called Undetectable Humanizer, available for $39.99.

This tool is designed to refine that content to be engaging, relatable, and authentic. With a few clicks, you can transform AI-generated text into something that reads like it was crafted by a skilled writer. It takes the raw output of your AI tools and gives it that human flair, saving you time and effort while improving the overall quality.

Whether you’re working on a blog post, marketing campaign, or social media caption, the Undetectable Humanizer helps you polish your text to perfection, making it more persuasive and impactful.

Enjoy endless opportunities to fine-tune your content.

Elevate your writing, connect with your audience, and make AI-generated content truly your own with a lifetime subscription to Undetectable Humanizer on sale for $39.99 for a limited time.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Evaris Media Undetectable Humanizer: Lifetime Subscription $39.99
$1,080.00 Save $1,040.01 Get Deal

Jon Stewart breaks down the biggest Harris-Trump debate moments in live monologue

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:54
Jon Stewart has broken down the key moments of the Harris-Trump presidential debate.

NYT's The Mini crossword answers for September 11

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 03:51

The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times' revered daily crossword. While the crossword is a lengthier experience that requires both knowledge and patience to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.

With only a handful of clues to answer, the daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test for many who play it.

So, when a tricky clue disrupts a player's flow, it can be frustrating! If you find yourself stumped playing The Mini — much like with Wordle and Connections — we have you covered.

SEE ALSO: Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more: Play games on Mashable

Here are the clues and answers to NYT's The Mini for Wednesday, September 11, 2024:

Across"You're slaying!," to a drag queen
  • The answer is Werk.

"Same here"
  • The answer is SodoI.

"Pipe" or "pump" instrument
  • The answer is organ.

Ran away from the scene
  • The answer is fled.

Things often skipped while listening to podcasts
  • The answer is ads.

DownNew York ___, newspaper that published the first crossword puzzle (1913)
  • The answer is World.

A cube has 12 of them
  • The answer is edges.

The Beatles sang about a long and winding one
  • The answer is road.

Family members, collectively
  • The answer is kin.

Place for a couch potato
  • The answer is sofa.

If you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now! Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.

Featured Video For You The Wordle Strategy used by the New York Times' Head of Games

Are you also playing NYT Strands? See hints and answers for today's Strands.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Mini Crossword.

NYT Strands hints, answers for September 11

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 03:44

If you're reading this, you're looking for a little help playing Strands, the New York Times' elevated word-search game.

Strands requires the player to perform a twist on the classic word search. Words can be made from linked letters — up, down, left, right, or diagonal, but words can also change direction, resulting in quirky shapes and patterns. Every single letter in the grid will be part of an answer. There's always a theme linking every solution, along with the "spangram," a special, word or phrase that sums up that day's theme, and spans the entire grid horizontally or vertically.

SEE ALSO: Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more: Play games on Mashable

By providing an opaque hint and not providing the word list, Strands creates a brain-teasing game that takes a little longer to play than its other games, like Wordle and Connections.

If you're feeling stuck or just don't have 10 or more minutes to figure out today's puzzle, we've got all the NYT Strands hints for today's puzzle you need to progress at your preferred pace.

SEE ALSO: NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for September 11 SEE ALSO: Wordle today: Here's the answer hints for September 11 NYT Strands hint for today’s theme: Play-with words

These words are fun.

Today’s NYT Strands theme plainly explained

The answers all relate to children's toys.

NYT Strands spangram hint: Is it vertical or horizontal?

Today's NYT Strands spangram is horizontal.

NYT Strands spangram answer today

Today's spangram is ToyStore.

Featured Video For You Strands 101: How to win NYT’s latest word game NYT Strands word list for September 10
  • Truck

  • Puzzle

  • Tricycle

  • ToyStore

  • Blocks

  • Puppet

  • Doll

  • Slime

Looking for other daily online games? Mashable's Games page has more hints, and if you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable's got games now!

Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword, and more.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Strands.

Australia's viral breakdancer Raygun is ranked no. 1 in the world. Here's how.

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 03:19

The World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) has named Australia's viral Olympic breakdancer Rachael "Raygun" Gunn as the No. 1 B-Girl in the world. Sure, why not.

Raygun rose to international notoriety during the Paris Olympics, with her widely panned moves failing to score her a single point across all six rounds in all three battles she danced in. Of particular note was a move in which she curled her hands in front of her and hopped like a kangaroo. Her performance quickly went viral, with people across the globe mocking her unorthodox style.

SEE ALSO: Viral Australian breakdancer Raygun stands by her moves in first post-Olympic interview

Despite this, Raygun has now managed to snag the top place on the WDSF Breaking World Ranking List of B-Girls. She is currently followed in rankings by Riko Tsuhako from Japan and Anna "Stefani" Ponomarenko of Ukraine. Australian breakdancers Molly Therese "Holy Molly" Chapman and Hannah Georgina Belet are ranked fourth and fifth, having also won second and third place at the competition where Raygun qualified for this year's Olympic Games.

How did Raygun become the No. 1 B-Girl in the world? Credit: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

According to WDSF, its world rankings are governed by the organisation's Breaking Rules and Regulations Manual and are based on each competitor's top four performances at ranking events within the past 12 months. 

However, such events were deliberately suspended from the start of this year in the lead up to the Paris Olympics. In a statement released on Tuesday, the WDSF said that this was in order to allow dancers to focus on qualifying for the Olympics without having to split their attention to ranking events.

While most of the Olympic qualifying breaking events were held in 2023 (including the Oceania Breaking Championships which resulted in Raygun's qualification), the final Olympic Qualifiers Series were held in May and June 2024. The results of both these qualifiers and the Olympic Games themselves weren't taken into account when determining the WDSF's rankings "due to limited athlete quotas."

Due to this disruption in the competitive breaking circuit, the WDSF noted that many competitors only had a single event contributing to their ranking. As such, Raygun's 2180 points across two events was enough to snag her the top position. 

Credit: Screenshot: Mashable

"Until WDSF ranking events recommence later this year, therefore, the world rankings as they currently stand should be interpreted in conjunction with results from recent global Breaking competitions for a more accurate reflection of the global competitive landscape," said WDSF.

Riko technically earned more points overall than Raygun as well. However, the WDSF stated that more weight was given to Raygun's 1000 points from the Oceania Breaking Championships than Riko's 1000 from the Breaking for Gold World Series, as the former is considered a higher-level competition.

Basically, Raygun is only ranked first in the world right now due to a few technicalities. Even so, it's unlikely she'll hold her No. 1 position for long. Raygun's WDSF ranking points from the Oceania Breaking Championships are due to expire at the end of October, the same month another competition will be held in Shanghai.

Raygun stands by her Olympic performance Credit: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

Raygun recently defended her Olympic performance in her first interview after the event, attributing the deluge of criticism she'd received to "people not being very familiar with breaking." When asked whether she thought she was the best breakdancer in Australia, the 37-year-old stated that she believes her "record speaks to that."

"It's just a different approach in breaking," Raygun told Australian talk show The Project. "You have the athletics style breakers, you also have the more artistic style breakers, and all of them are very valid."

Even so, the general public remains largely unconvinced. 

Reddit Reddit Breakers vs. The World DanceSport Federation Credit: Elsa / Getty Images

Unfortunately for the WDSF, the organisation's continued insistence on Raygun's skills has only undermined its authority to many who saw her performance with their own eyes. Some have further questioned the WDSF's suitability to govern breaking at all, particularly as the organisation's roots are in competitive ballroom dancing. 

These criticisms aren't new. In 2017 over 2000 people signed a Change.org petition by B-Boy Serouj "Midus" Aprahamian entitled "Get the WDSF's Hands Off Hip-Hop". Like Raygun, Midus is also a university professor with a focus on dance. Unlike Raygun, he stated in his petition that WDSF "has absolutely no connection or credibility with any legitimate entity in the worldwide breaking community." Midus accused the WDSF of pivoting to breaking merely to get a foothold in the Olympics, with the hope of eventually convincing the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to add ballroom dancing.

Though the WDSF has denied such accusations, it had initially contracted consultant Jean-Laurent Bourquin to petition the IOC for ballroom dancing's inclusion in the Olympics. The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Bourquin convinced the WDSF to shift its focus to breaking as having a better chance of success. Sadly, he hadn't realised at the time that the WDSF held no authority in the breaking community.

The end result is the situation we are now living in, with breakdancing bringing to mind Australian university lecturers kangaroo hopping at the Olympics. Considering the international attention Raygun garnered with her performance, it's likely to be a while before that association fades.

How to watch Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks online for free

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 01:00

TL;DR: Watch Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks in the WNBA with WNBA League Pass. Avoid blackouts and watch the WNBA from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The next WNBA fixture is coming up and the latest teams to the court are the Seattle Storm and Los Angeles Sparks. The Seattle Storm have already claimed their postseason spot, but it's sadly all over for the Los Angeles Sparks who have been eliminated from playoff contention.

If you want to watch Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks in the WNBA from anywhere in the world, keep reading to find out all the information you need.

When is Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks?

Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks in the WNBA starts at 10 p.m. ET on Sept. 11. This fixture takes place at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California.

How to watch Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks

You can watch Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks with the WNBA League Pass. However, keep in mind that the WNBA League Pass might not live stream locally televised games in the participating teams' local areas.

You can get around this with just a few simple steps, however. You'll need to use a VPN, a tool that works by hiding your real IP address and connecting you to secure servers in other locations. This means you can watch every WNBA League Pass game live, excluding games hosted by Amazon Prime Video.

To access every WNBA League Pass game, follow these easy steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in a location with no broadcast deals for the WNBA

  4. Log in to WNBA League Pass

  5. Stream every WNBA game live (except games hosted by Amazon Prime Video)

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal What is the best VPN for the WNBA?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for hiding your real IP address and streaming more sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream Seattle Storm vs. Los Angeles Sparks in the WNBA from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Price drop: Get a 1-year subscription to Windscribe VPN for just £37

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 00:00

TL;DR: Through Sept. 29, you can sign up for a 1-year subscription to Windscribe VPN Pro Plan for only £37.43.

Having a VPN seems essential nowadays with the thousands of cyber criminals roaming the web.

Along with providing digital safety, a VPN can also help you maintain online privacy from your internet service provider, who may or may not be keeping track of your activity. And some VPNs like Windscribe go the extra mile to shield you from being bombarded with pesky ads whenever you hop online. Right now at the Mashable Shop, the price of 1, 2, and 3-year subscriptions to Windscribe have been reduced for a limited time.

Available as both a desktop app and a browser extension, Windscribe works to protect your online privacy, help you bypass geo-restrictions, and remove ads and trackers from your everyday browsing. Touted for its simplicity, the service features a no-frills interface, so you won't have to deal with confusing settings to enjoy digital protection.

Free VPNs often come with strings attached, with many providers collecting your data and selling them to third parties. Windscribe prides itself on a strict no-logging policy and anonymous sign-up, meaning you won't even have to provide an email address.

Windscribe has servers spread across 69 countries and 112 cities worldwide. There are bonus features you may find helpful, too, including Time Warping (changing your timezone to make it appear like you're somewhere else), Cookie Monster (keeping track of cookies and deleting them upon closing the tab), and Split Personality (rotating your user agent to lessen the chances of basic fingerprinting).

Grab an exclusive 1-year Windscribe VPN Pro Plan for only £37.43 (reg. £52.71) through Sept. 29 at 11:59 pm PST. 

Prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Windscribe Windscribe VPN Pro Plan: 1-Year Subscription £37.43 at the Mashable Shop
£52.71 Save £15.28 Get Deal

How to watch England vs. Australia T20 series online for free

Mashable - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 00:00

TL;DR: Live stream the final match of the England vs. Australia T20 international series for free on BBC iPlayer. Access this free streaming site from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

T20 cricket is a lot of fun, and even though the upcoming T20 series between England and Australia will be seen by some as a warm up to the upcoming ODI series, it doesn't change the fact that both sides will be desperate to win every match. This is England vs. Australia we're talking about. It doesn't get much bigger than this.

If you want to watch the England vs. Australia T20 international series for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is England vs. Australia?

The England vs. Australia T20 international series takes place on the following dates:

  • England vs. Australia (T20 1 of 3) —6:30 p.m. BST on Sept. 11

  • England vs. Australia (T20 2 of 3) — 6:30 p.m. BST on Sept. 13

  • England vs. Australia (T20 3 of 3) — 2:30 p.m. BST on Sept. 15

The good news is that the final match is available to live stream for free.

How to watch England vs. Australia for free

The final match of the England vs. Australia T20 international series is available to live stream for free on BBC iPlayer.

BBC iPlayer is geo-restricted to the UK, but anyone can access this free streaming platform with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in the UK, meaning you can access free live streams on BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the world.

Access free live streams of England vs. Australia by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in the UK

  4. Visit BBC iPlayer

  5. Stream England vs. Australia for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch the final England vs. Australia match without committing with your cash. This clearly isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream the T20 game before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for BBC iPlayer?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport on BBC iPlayer, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including the UK

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream the final match of the England vs. Australia T20 international series for free with ExpressVPN.


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